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Cadastral and Land Title Information
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has extensive current and historical information about land ownership and use in the United States. The agency maintains cadastral survey and historical data on lands patented, along with information on the mineral estate, resource conditions, and permits or leases on Federal lands.

  • Cadastral survey / Geographic Coordinate Data Base (GCDB)
    On-the-ground surveys for establishing Federal and Tribal boundaries and graphical depictions of the Public Land Survey System
  • Land Patent Records / General Land Office Title Information
    Live access to the General Land Office Records Website maintained at BLM's Eastern States office in Virginia. Searchable database lets users research 4+ million records for all BLM states. Images of documents can be printed by users for 2+ million records. Additional records are being added to the website daily.
  • Land Survey Information System (LSIS)
    GeoCommunicator’s Land Survey Information System is an Internet mapping application to display, download or stream the Public Land Survey System - PLSS (township, range, section, aliquot). The PLSS is computed from BLM survey records (official plats and field notes), local survey records, and geodetic control information.
  • Public Land Orders
    Implementation of the authority granted to the Secretary of the Interior by the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to make, modify, extend, or revoke land withdrawals

Cultural Heritage and Fossil Resources

Customer Service
The Bureau of Land Management is dedicated to better serving you, our customer. Customer Service is one of our highest priorities, and it calls for putting customers first and striving for a "customer-driven government" that matches or exceeds the best service available in the private sector.

  • President's Management Council Survey
    According to a national survey, most residents of western states who visited public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management were satisfied with their experience.
  • Use Authorization Survey Results (685KB PDF)
    The following report provides customer feedback to the BLM from some of its commercial customers. This information is used to help the BLM improve the products and services it provides to the American public.
  • Service First
    Service First is a partnership to improve customer service by providing seamless, one-stop shopping in a convenient, efficient, and effective way. (Please note that this link will take you to the U.S. Forest Service website.)
  • High Impact Agency Goal Update
    Table summarizing just two of our major goals to provide better service to our customers, along with our accomplishments thus far in achieving these goals.

Economic and Technical Assistance

  • Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT)
    Payments made for tax-exempt Federal lands administered by the BLM, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Forest Service, and for Federal water projects and some military installations

Energy and Minerals
The public lands provide myriad opportunities for commercial activities. Commercially valuable natural resources include energy and mineral commodities, forest products, grazing forage, and special uses such as rights-of-way for pipelines and transmission lines.

  • Minerals, Realty & Resource Protection
    Managing commercial energy and mineral production from the public lands in an environmentally sound and responsible manner

  • Fluid Minerals
    The BLM is responsible for the leasing of Federal oil and gas and geothermal minerals. The BLM is also responsible for supervising the exploration, development and production operations of these resources on both Federal and Indian lands. The BLM also manages helium operations on Federal lands

  • Solid Minerals
    The BLM is responsible for maintaining viable national policies and processes for solid minerals resources under Federal jurisdiction. Solid minerals include coal and non-energy leasable minerals, hardrock minerals on acquired lands, locatable minerals, and salable minerals.
    • Mining Law
      Management of Minerals under the Mining Laws
    • Mineral Materials
      How the BLM disposes of construction materials
    • Solid Leasables
      Federal leasing of non-energy minerals such as phosphate, potassium, and sodium
    • Coal
      Leasing of coal on Federal lands

  • National Energy Office
    Recommendations made in The National Energy Policy adopted by the President specifically affect some of the BLM's energy-related activities. The National Energy Office is responsible for implementing those recommendations.

  • Mill Site Location and Patenting
    On Friday, October 10, Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Rebecca Watson announced that the Department of the Interior is issuing a final rule to improve regulations on locating, recording and maintaining mining claims or sites. The final rule includes a provision, based upon a new Solicitor's opinion, which will restore the Department's traditional interpretation of the mining law's mill site provisions.

Environmental Education
The BLM strives to realize healthier and more productive public lands through better informed citizens who are willing to participate and assist in solving complex environmental problems. This site offers teacher resources, classroom activities, and a wealth of other learning opportunities relating to the 264 million-acre laboratory of BLM managed public lands.

Fish, Wildlife & Botany

Forests and Woodlands
Of BLM’s 261 million acres, the Bureau manages 55 million acres of forests and woodlands, including 11 million acres of commercial forest and 44 million acres of woodlands within 11 western States and Alaska. Fifty-three million acres are productive forests and woodlands on Public Domain lands and 2.4 million acres are on Oregon and California Grant lands in western Oregon.

Geospatial Information Systems (GIS)
In the business of managing public lands, the BLM collects and utilizes a great deal of information related to or describing a piece of land and the resources on and under it. Data might be information about bird nesting sites or wild horse herd use areas. It might be legal land survey information or legal descriptions of land parcels. The common thread is that this information is tied to the land. The technical term for this information is "geospatial data."

  • BLM Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
    BLM has established a GeoSpatial Data Clearinghouse as part of the Federal Geographic Data Committee's (FGDC) Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Network.
  • Geocommunicator
    Geocommunicator is an Internet website for the distribution of spatial data from the National Integrated Land System (NILS) including the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), Federal Land Stewardship and BLM Land and Mineral Use Records.
    • Federal Land Stewardship
      An Internet application and map streaming service for display of the land boundaries delineating the surface management agency and contact information for federal lands in the U.S.
    • Land & Mineral Use Records
      An Internet mapping application to search, display and access land and mineral case data such as oil and gas leases, agreements, mining claims, ROWs, and more from the BLM’s Land and Mineral Recordation System- LR2000.
    • Land Survey Information System (LSIS)- PLSS Land Grid
      Internet mapping application to display, download, or stream data from the Public Land Survey System - PLSS (township, range, section, aliquot). The PLSS is computed from BLM survey records (official plats and field notes), local survey records, and geodetic control information.
  • Geodata
    The Federal E-government portal for sharing, locating and accessing geospatial data, live maps, map images, planned data collection activities, and data collection partnerships.

Information Technology

  • Information Technology Investment Management
    The BLM's investment in automation and information technology is fundamental to our ability to manage the public lands. When managed correctly, these investments can provide the best return on investment to the American citizens. A disciplined IT investment management process can help the Bureau mitigate IT project risks, and bring together information services and products to better serve our customers.
  • National Information Resources Management Center
    NIRMC provides information technologies services to BLM States, Centers, and Partners in support of the Bureau mission.

Kids and the BLM
The BLM encourages children to learn about the public lands and to consider employment at the BLM as a future career choice.

  • "Bring Your Children to Work" Day
    As part of the yearly "Bring Your Children To Work" Day event, the BLM invites staff to bring their children to work for a day of fun and learning.
  • Just For Kids Soils Biological Communities
    Wilbur the soil wizard guides kids through a learning journey about soil and soil inhabitants.
  • Walk on the Wild Side
    An online activity guide with information and activities about America's Public Lands and how kids can protect these important resources.

Lands and Minerals Records - LR2000
The BLM has established a web site from which the public may now access land and minerals information from the agency's LR2000 data base. This site provides a direct access to services that previously required a visit to an information access center at one of the BLM's regional offices.

Land & Mineral Use Records- Spatial Display
GeoCommunicator’s Land & Mineral Use Records is an Internet mapping application to search, display and access land and mineral case data such as oil and gas leases, agreements, mining claims, ROWs, and more from the BLM’s Land and Mineral Recordation System- LR2000.

Lands, Realty and Cadastral Survey
The BLM provides for acquisition, use, disposal, and adjustment of land resources; determines the boundaries of Federal land; and, maintains historic records for these ownership transactions.

National Landscape Conservation System
The Bureau of Land Management has established the National Landscape Conservation System (NLCS) to help protect some of the nation’s most remarkable and rugged landscapes. The system includes the agency's National Monuments, Congressionally designated National Conservation Areas, and other areas designated for important scientific and ecological characteristics.

  • National Monuments
  • National Scenic & Historic Trails
  • Wild & Scenic Rivers
  • Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas
  • Other National Conservation Designations

Planning (Land Use Planning)

  • Planning, Assessment and Community Support
    Planning schedule identifying plan amendments and new RMPs in progress or planned over the next three years.

  • BLM manual and handbook for land-use planning.
    Under Federal law, the BLM prepares land-use plans that serve as the basis for all activities that occur on BLM-managed lands. Access the BLM's revised manual and handbook for land-use planning here.

Public Land Statistics

The BLM public lands provide visitors with a vast array of recreational opportunities. These include hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, boating, hang gliding, off-highway vehicle driving, mountain biking, birding, and visiting natural and cultural heritage sites. The BLM administers 205,498 miles of fishable streams, 2.2 million acres of lakes and reservoirs, 6,600 miles of floatable rivers, over 500 boating access points, 69 National Back Country Byways, and 300 Watchable Wildlife sites. The BLM also manages 4,500 miles of National Scenic, Historic, and Recreational Trails, as well as thousands of miles of multiple use trails used by motorcyclists, hikers, equestrians, and mountain bikers.

Reducing Threats to Public Health, Safety, and Property

  • Abandoned mine lands
    Historical mining activity has resulted in many unreclaimed hardrock mines located on BLM-managed lands. BLM works with Federal and State partners to identify and evaluate the need for cleanup of sites that are polluting watersheds or causing other kinds of environmental degradation. Moreover, BLM also works to remedy physical safety hazards at AML sites and to warn visitors to the public lands about the many dangers that abandoned mines can pose.
  • Law Enforcement
    The BLM's law enforcement program is responsible for protecting public safety and resources across the nation's 264 million acres of BLM-managed public land, which it does in partnership with state and local law enforcement agencies.
  • Wildland fire
  • Hazardous materials management
  • Facilities maintenance
  • Health and safety
  • National Office of Fire and Aviation

Regulatory Responsibilities

Restoring and Maintaining the Health of the Land

Soil Biological Communities
Soil is one of the most fundamental and basic of our resources -- as much so as water and air. We need healthy soil to grow food for humans and other animals, and products that we use on a daily basis. Without healthy soil the landscape would be barren. In order to properly manage the public lands the BLM is entrusted with, we must understand soil processes and how they contribute to the health of our rangelands

More than 17,000 volunteers contribute to the care of public lands by supporting the work of the BLM each year, from conducting field work in remote locations to providing administrative support in some of BLM’s busiest offices.

Wild horses and burros

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