CARB Research Opportunities at CARB

Postdoctoral Positions

The NIST/NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateships are available to persons who have held a doctorate less than five years. Applicants for the program at the NIST must be United States citizens. Appointments are for two years at an initial annual stipend of approximately $55,700 (rate as of 2003). The application date for NIST/NRC Postdoctoral Research Associateships applications is January 15 of each calendar year. Successful applicants can begin work at the NIST in July of each calendar year. Positions are available in the areas as shown:

Please contact the faculty member of interest to apply.

2. Structural Genomics & Structure and Function of Beta-Lactamase

CARB is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

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