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NIST Standard Reference Database 27

NIST Molten Salts Database Single Salts and Mixtures Database: Version 2.0

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This database provides easy and rapid access to the properties of inorganic salts in the molten state. As the culmination of a long-term data evaluation project at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, this database allows calculation of the following properties of approximately 320 single-salts and 4,000 multi-component systems (primarily binary).

  • density
  • surface tension
  • viscosity
  • electrical conductance

Not all properties are given for all salts. Data can be extracted by chemical formula search or via a browse routine.

For the salt system searched, results displayed are:

  • temperature range of validity
  • correlation equation
  • accuracy estimates and reliability statements.

A calculation routine lists properties at a single temperature or over a range of temperatures and does units conversion.

Browse the Users' Guide to see how this database works.

Hardware Requirements:Microsoft® Windows®95, 98, VGA or EGA graphics adapter; 1.5MB disk space. Does not run on NT or Windows® 2000.

Price:$150.00. Special pricing available for multiple copies. Call for details.

Link to the FAX or Mail Order Form Link to the Online Purchase Order Form

For more information please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310

(301) 975-2008 (VOICE) / (301) 926-0416 (FAX) / Contact Us (E-MAIL)

The scientific contact for this database is:

John Rumble
Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310
(301) 975-2203 /

Keywords: Chemical engineering; chemistry; density; molten salts; surface tension; thermochemistry; thermodynamics; viscosity.

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 06-Mar-03 15:41:24
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