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NIST Standard Reference Database 46

NIST Critically Selected Stability Constants of Metal Complexes: Version 8.0

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Version 8.0 is a major enhancement to this widely used database which provides comprehensive coverage of interactions for aqueous systems of organic and inorganic ligands with protons and various metal ions and is based on the six-volume Critical Stability Constants by Martell and Smith. The new version contains 225 additional ligands, new data, data printing, rapid bibliography searching and more streamlined commands. New literature has resulted in revision and upgrading of 30% of previous data. Entire contents are critically selected for accuracy and consistency.

For 6166 Ligands:

  • 112559 lines of data
  • metal stability constants and related equilibrium constants
  • thermodynamic constants
  • a complete bibliography
  • structural formulas
  • search by empirical formulas and type of ligand
  • protonation constants under specified conditions of temperature and ionic strength
  • heats of protonation
  • entropies of protonation
  • metal/metal species searching capabilities
  • author search

System Requirements: PC running WindowsTM 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0 Me or XP operating system; hard disk with at least 12.7 MB free space.

Price: $240.00; Upgrade: $50.00. Special multiple copy discounts available. Call for details.

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You may browse the Users' Guide to see how this database works.

For more information please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310
(301) 975-2008(VOICE)/ (301) 926-0416 (FAX)
Contact Us

The scientific contact for this database is:

Robert M. Smith
Department of Chemistry
Texas A&M; University
College Station, TX 77843-3255

Keywords: Acidity constants, aqueous solutions, compilation equilibrium constants, critical stability constants, dissociation constants, enthalpies, enthalpy, entropy, formation constants, formation equilibria, formation equilibrium, ionic strength, ligands, metal complexes, protonation constants, stability constants, thermochemistry, thermodynamic parameters, thermodynamics.

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Wednesday, 07-Jul-04 10:14:02
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