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NIST Standard Reference Database 73

REFLEAK: NIST Leak/Recharge Simulation Program for Refrigerant Mixtures

Version 2.1

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REFLEAK estimates composition changes of zeotropic mixtures in leak and recharge processes. The leak/recharge simulation program consists of three parts: 1) the pre-processing section for inputting required data, 2) the computation section which simulates leak/recharge processes and, 3) the post-processing section to display calculated results and to print or store data and graphs.

REFLEAK offers the following:

  • Choice of simulation mode between leak only and leak/recharge
  • Choice of process between isothermal (slow) and adiabatic (fast) leak conditions
  • Choice of vapor leak or liquid leak
  • Choice of 35 of the most commonly used refrigerants
  • Choice of any mixture, up to 5 components, comprising the above refrigerants
  • Choice of specifying the initial temperature and initial volumetric quality of charge
  • Choice of specifying the number of recharges, up to 10, and the % mass leaked after each.

Calculated vapor and liquid compositions are displayed in a graphic format. Additional tabular data includes temperature, pressure, volumetric quality, liquid specific volume and vapor specific volume for each 1% of mass leaked throughout the process. Output data can be saved and printed. Thermodynamic properties of refrigerant mixtures are calculated based upon the widely-used NIST Standard Reference Database 23 - NIST Reference Fluid Thermodynamic and Transport Properties Database: REFPROP. A user manual and help section is included.

Please click here to view the PDF version of Users' Guide

Please browse the Users' Guide to see how this database works.

System Requirements: REFLEAK is designed to run on PCs with Windows 95, Windows 98, win2000/Me/XP and NT; hard disk with 10 MB available space; screen resolution 1024 × 768 recommended.

Price $190.00, upgrade $100.00, multiple copy discounts available; contact Standard Reference Data Group for details.

Link to the Online Purchase Order Form   Link to the FAX or Mail Order Form

For more information please contact:

Standard Reference Data Group
National Institute of Standards
   and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2310
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310

(301) 975-2008 (VOICE)/ (301) 926-0416 (FAX) (E-MAIL)

The scientific contact for this database is:

Piotr A. Domanski
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Building and Fire Research Laboratory (863)
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 8631
(301) 975-5881

Key words: Chemical leak; recharge; refrigerant; simulation program; thermodynamic properties; transport properties; zeotropic mixtures; NIST.


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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Wednesday, 09-Apr-03 11:27:42