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Sep 13, 2004
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POLISH PATROL — Iraqi children wave to Polish soldier during a convoy to visit the Al Kebab school in Karbala, Iraq, Sept. 11, 2004. The school was recently renovated with the help of commanders of 1st Brigade Combat Team and 2nd Battle Group as one of many projects in their area of responsibility in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Jose M. Hernandez
Air Strike Hits Terrorist Meeting Site
WASHINGTON — Multinational Force Iraq conducted a successful precision air strike on a confirmed Abu Musab Al Zarqawi terrorist meeting site in Fallujah just before dawn today, according to a Multinational Forces Iraq news release. Story  
Patrols, Camp Zulu Attacked in Iraq
WASHINGTON — A joint patrol Iraqi National Guard and
multinational forces soldiers from Multinational Division Central South 1st Brigade Combat Team was attacked with improvised explosive devices during mid-morning operations today. Story  
Afghanistan Unrest Quickly Quashed
WASHINGTON — Recent unrest in Herat was confined to a small area of the city and was quickly brought under control, according to Combined Forces Command Afghanistan officials. Story  
Rice: Attacks Won't Stop Iraqi Elections  
Two More Generators Return to Service
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Two electricity generators that had fallen into disrepair under the former regime in suburban Baghdad returned to service recently, producing enough electricity to fuel 72,000 Iraqi homes. Story
One Insurgent Dead, Seven Captured in Attack
Rebuilding Infrastructure Key to Success
Bradley Fighting Vehicle Destroyed in Attack
Shiia Pilgrimage in Northern Baghdad Proves Progress
Iraq Daily Update
• Iraq Reconstruction  • Maps   • Weekly Progress Report (pdf)
Afghan Presents Rug to Express Gratitude
KABUL, Afghanistan — In a brief presentation during the Sept. 11 remembrance ceremony at Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, Herat rug maker Mohammad Taher Sadiqee presented CFC-A Commander Lt. Gen. David Barno with a token of appreciation. Story
• Retired Afghan Soldier Works an an Interpreter
• Zawahiri Statement 'Desperate Attempt to Disrupt'
• U.S. Troops in Afghanistan Reflect on Sept. 11
• Afghanistan Daily Update  • Maps
Heroes, Families Treated to Five-Star Lunch
WASHINGTON — Wounded service members and their families were treated to a five-star luncheon Sept. 11 by Washington's famous Willard Intercontinental Hotel and America's Heroes of Freedom in honor of 9/11 and the sacrifices made by the service members in Afghanistan and Iraq. Story
Rumsfeld Joins in NASCAR Salute to Armed Forces
RICHMOND, Va. — Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld attended the Chevy Rock 'n' Roll 400 on the third anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks as part of a NASCAR salute to the men and women serving in the armed forces. Story
War on Terrorism
U.S. Seeks Support to Enhance Transportation Security
Armitage Highlights Progress in Afghanistan and Iraq
Pentagon Employees Remember 9/11
War on Terror Requires All U.S. Resources
Timeline on Terrorism
Military News
Services May Keep Separate Exchange Headquarters
SportsCenter to Air from Kuwait
National Guard, Reserve Update
9/11 Remembrance
Honoring those who answered America's Call to Action
U.S. Army Major Randy F. Rizor
"I am currently deployed at the U.S. Army hospital at Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo. My wife's support has been overwhelming. This has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life." Story    Archive    All Stories
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Soldier Survives Attack, Reenlists
FORT BRAGG, N.C. — U.S. Army Sgt. Charles K. Bartles first enlisted in the military eight years ago and recently renewed that commitment, but this time, Bartles didn’t raise his right hand — he raised an artificial limb. Story
Marines Test GPS Cargo Delivery
AL ANBAR PROVINCE, Iraq — Marine Reservists delivered food and supplies to Marines at Camp Korean Village during a combat assault support mission recently, featuring a Sherpa global-positioning parachute delivery system. Story
Defense Officials Identify Casualty
WASHINGTON — Defense officials today announced the identity of a Marine who died supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. 1st Lt. Alexander E. Wetherbee, 27, of Fairfax, Va., died Sept. 12 from injuries received from enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Wetherbee was assigned to 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
U.S. Navy Cmdr. Bob Anderson
WASHINGTON — "I got in and decided I really liked it — it was the career for me" is how Bob Anderson describes his first impressions of serving in the U.S. Navy. Story
Photo: Photo Essay - caption below.
OPERATION ENDURING FAMILIES — Children of military personnel in the Peoria, Ill., area lead the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance during the opening of Operation Enduring Families held on the Peoria river front, Sept. 11, 2004. Operation Enduring Families was a showcase event to commemorate military members and the victims of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. John Walker. 2 More Photos
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"Sometimes you just never know where your career will take you, and what opportunities lie ahead. After working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Phoenix, Ariz., for all of a day, my supervisor mentioned in my first staff meeting that the Corps was looking for personnel interested in working in Iraq." Story
Marines Train to Clear Minefields
AL ASAD, Iraq — Scanning for mines isn't the safest job, but it's a necessary one and Marine reservists from Peoria, Ill., serving with Combat Service Support Battalion 7, 1st Force Service Support Group, recently trained for the task. Story

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