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<H1>The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum</H1>
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Related Sites

Hoover Online Digital Archives Digital images of important Hoover documents.

Herbert Hoover: A Life of Service (Teacher's Guide)

A Biographical Sketch of Herbert Hoover (Middle and High School Students)

A Biographical Sketch of Lou Henry Hoover (Middle and High School Students)

A Chronology of Herbert Hoover Sequences President Hoover's accomplishments alongside world events from his birth until his death.

Laura Ingalls Wilder Information for teachers and students.

Presidential Cartoons How the artist portrays the President's accomplishments through illustration.

Hoover-Ball! A combination of tennis, volleyball and medicine ball.

A Boyhood In Iowa An excerpt taken from an informal address before the Iowa Society of Washington

Gram's Trunk A story and activities to motivate students to investigate history (K-8th)

Information for student researchers and teachers regarding online reference requests.

Reading List A recommended list of materials for all ages.

Hoover Library Resources for National History Day Projects, 2004

Education Index | Service Learning | Herbert Hoover Bio | Lou Henry Hoover Bio | Hoover Chronology | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Presidential Cartoons | Hoover-Ball! | Boyhood in Iowa | Gram's Trunk | Wilder Collection | Information for student researchers and teachers | Reading List | Hoover Library Resources for National History Day 2004

Last updated: September 30, 2003

 The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum is administered by the
 National Archives and Records Administration

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