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 Monday October 25, 2004  
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Picture of Avagene Moore, President
Avagene Moore, President:
Welcome to the EIIP Community!
About Us

 • Oct 21 - Digital Emergency Alert System Pilot Launched
In National Capitol Region
 • Oct 18 - President Signs FY05 Homeland Security Appropriations Act
$4 Billion for state and local programs
 • Previous News Items

 • 10-13-04 Strategies for Private Sector Preparedness
Bill Raisch, InterCEP
 • 9-29-04 Emergency Preparedness Initiative (EPI)
Elizabeth Davis, National Organization on Disability
 • 9-15-04 National Response Plan Update
Barbara Yagerman, Department of Homeland Security
 • 8-25-04 The NIMS Integration Center
Gil Jamieson, NIMS Integration Center
 • Visit our archives for much, much more ...

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