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Message from the Inspector General,
The Honorable Kenneth M. Donohue

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HUD Inspector General

The HUD Office of Inspector General is established by law to provide independent and objective reporting to the Secretary, the Congress, and the American people through its audit and investigative activities. We are charged specifically with combating waste, fraud, and abuse in the administration of HUD programs and operations. Our goal is to ensure that the billions of taxpayers' dollars appropriated by the Congress for HUD programs are used effectively to provide safe, decent, and sanitary, housing for millions of Americans.

The HUD-OIG comprises nearly 700 dedicated and highly motivated men and women -- roughly 60 percent auditors and 40 percent investigators -- with a mission to bring about positive change in the integrity, efficiency, and effectiveness of HUD Programs.

Our auditors, many with professional business certifications, have extensive knowledge of HUD programs and operations, and are committed to improving their management and return on investment. They are complemented by a force of highly trained and experienced special agents who are actively engaged in a broad range of investigative activities associated with eradicating white-collar crime associated with HUD programs. Together, they form a formidable team that, working closely with other government agencies, has made thousands of recommendations for management improvement, recovered millions of dollars in misused funds, and brought hundreds of criminals to justice.

In addition, the HUD-OIG serves as a sounding board for the Department's new initiatives. With Departmental retirements and attrition, the HUD-OIG has become the institutional memory of the Department which is a valuable asset to the Congress and the Department who rely on our honest assessment of new programs and policies.

Moreover, we review HUD’s notices and proposed regulations and work closely with the Department to get the ‘bugs’ out before a directive hits the street. We also have a standing responsibility under the Inspector General Act of 1978 to recommend changes to the basic legislation underpinning HUD programs.

In short, HUD-OIG is a busy organization performing a crucial mission on behalf of the Secretary, the Congress, and the American people. You can help us by being a active participant in ensuring that taxpayers' dollars are put to good use, and that HUD programs are free of waste, fraud, and abuse.

Kenneth M. Donohue


Content updated July 8, 2002   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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