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OIG Hotline

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WHO ARE WE? We are federal employees who work in the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and are stationed at HUD Headquarters in Washington DC.

WHAT DOES THE OIG HOTLINE DO? We take reports of fraud, waste, abuse, and serious mismanagement in HUD-funded programs and operations and refer such allegations to OIG investigators and auditors, or to HUD program officials to ensure that allegations of wrongdoing are independently addressed.


FRAUD - individuals, groups, or businesses that are stealing taxpayers' monies from HUD.
WASTE - individuals, groups, or businesses that are spending taxpayers' monies in a manner that does not further HUD's mission and goals.
ABUSE - HUD officials or HUD-funded local officials whose actions exceed the authority granted to them by HUD policies and regulations.
SERIOUS MISMANAGEMENT - a significant failure by a HUD program office or a program office entity that is due to managerial incompetence or inattention.

HOW DO I CONTACT THE OIG HOTLINE? There are four ways to contact the OIG Hotline:

You can call us toll-free at - 1-800-347-3735
You can fax us at - (202) 708-4829
You can e-mail us at - hotline@hudoig.gov

You can write us at -

HUD OIG Hotline (GFI)
451 7th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20410

WHY REPORT? All federal employees are required to report violations of law and Standards of Conduct and danger to public health and safety. All citizens should feel a moral responsibility to report violations to assure that taxpayers' monies are well spent.

WILL YOU PROTECT MY IDENTITY? Yes, if you are a federal employee complainant. On request and at OIG's discretion, this protection can be extended to non-federal complainants. The identities of confidential complainants are protected because only OIG personnel know them. However, the Inspector General Act of 1978 gives us authority to disclose a confidential complainant's identity in limited situations, such as where the disclosure of a complainant's identity is unavoidable in pursuit of an audit or an investigation. This kind of disclosure is necessary only on an extremely infrequent basis. Of course, an anonymous complainant is always protected because we do not know that person's identity. From an OIG point of view, it is more advantageous for us to know the identity of the complainant in case it is necessary to interview the complainant or ask follow-up questions.

WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW WHEN CONTACTING THE OIG? There are several things to keep in mind when reporting fraud, waste, abuse, and serious mismanagement. You need to report immediately, while facts are still fresh in your mind and be prepared to answer the questions who, what, when, where, why, and how.

· Who was involved? (Names, addresses, phone numbers, if available)
· What happened? (Summary of events, additional sources of evidence)
· When did it happen? (Date, time, frequency)
· Where did it happen? (Location, city, state)
· Why was it done? (Estimated loss to the government, gain to violator)
· How could it happen? (What scheme was used)

The most successful OIG cases are those that include supporting documentation. Reports that are too vague or cannot be supported can result in a closed report, without any action taken.

WHAT CAN I EXPECT IF I MAKE A REPORT TO THE OIG HOTLINE? If we know who you are and we open a case to address your allegations, you will receive a letter from us that provides you with the number of the Hotline case that we opened to address your allegations. We will also advise you at that time that we will notify you when the case is closed and provide information on how to obtain the case results under the Freedom of Information Act. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BE AWARE that the decision on how we proceed with a Hotline case rests exclusively with us. We will contact you again only if we need additional information. We cannot provide you with case status updates or other information while the case review is in progress. Further, our decision to close a case is final and there are no appeal rights provided by the Inspector General Act of 1978.

WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DO NOT OPEN A CASE BASED ON MY REPORT TO THE OIG HOTLINE? A vast majority of the reports that we receive in the OIG Hotline do not result in cases because they are program related or administrative matters. In these situations, we will send you a letter explaining that your report is unrelated to the OIG mission and that we have referred it to a HUD program office or another government agency. We will provide you with a contact number, if one is available.

WHAT KINDS OF THINGS DO YOU NOT OPEN CASES ON? The HUD OIG Hotline is a report intake operation. We are not a customer service center for HUD and HUD program offices. We do not open cases on allegations that can be addressed through existing complaint resolution mechanisms that provide appeal rights and access to the federal and state court systems. We do not open cases on disputes that have been or can be addressed through civil proceedings. We also do not open cases on allegations involving maintenance issues, landlord-tenant disagreements, income calculations for voucher purposes, or personnel issues in HUD or HUD-funded programs that can be addressed under labor-management agreements.

Content updated July 14, 2004   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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