
Patent Office Operations in the Electronic Age

Electronic Records Management (ERM)- Technical and Legal Issues

The Patent and Trademark Office co-sponsored two ERM Symposia during the week of October 23, 1995.

Trilateral Conference : Patent Office Operations in the Electronic Age

Electronic Records Consortium (ERC) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) : Electronic Records Management - Technical and Legal Issues

Invitation for Continued Dialog and Follow-on: An Open Electronic Forum

Included herein are hypertext links to the available papers and handouts presented at the ERM Symposia. PTO invites the public to participate in a further dialog on the direction the PTO should take in exploring next steps necessary to resolve the problems of establishing as legal record a patent application filed and processed in electronic form that will withstand attacks on admissibility and reliability in administrative hearings and in later patent litigation.

PTO has discovered through its interagency contacts that there exists a great repository of information relating to the security, transmission and storage of electronic records in Industry, Standards Bodies and Federal Agencies that can greatly assist the PTO in its effort to comply with the National Performance Reviews directive regarding government agencies roles in the Global Information Infrastructure.

PTO would like to take advantage of this repository of knowledge through collaborative agreements to make PTO's implementation work better and cost less. Due to the international nature of patent practice, the PTO is especially interested in comments from organizations and individuals involved in international Electronic Commerce initiatives who are developing standards or identifying issues that need to be resolved in the International transmission and storage of electronic information.

In a global sense, PTO is looking for ideas and suggestions as to what our next steps in developing a comprehensive coherent plan of action should be to effectively explore the legal obstacles to moving the patent process from a paper based to an electronic based system.

The PTO is developing a plan of action for dealing with the ERM issues in the areas of :

PTO would appreciate your input on these issues, including pointers to resources of information relevant to the topics. Comment form.

In particular PTO would appreciate comments relating to:

Your input would be most helpful if it were received by December 11, 1995

Thank you very much for helping us serve the public better

Stephen G. Kunin

Deputy Assistant Commissioner for Patent Policy and Projects


Last Modified: 27 November 1995