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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Agency Document Access and Management System (ADAMS)

On this page:

Index to all Frequently Asked Question Pages

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General Questions

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What is ADAMS?

ADAMS is the acronym for the NRC's Agencywide Document Access and Management System.

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What types of documents are in ADAMS?

ADAMS has the full text of regulatory and technical documents and reports written by NRC, NRC contractors, or NRC licensees. Documents include NRC regulatory guides, NUREG-series reports, correspondence, inspection reports, and others, all searchable and accessible from the NRC Web Site.

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How are documents arranged in ADAMS?

In the Citrix-based version of ADAMS, documents are arranged within two "libraries" or collections, searchable under the ADAMS Find capability, and special "folders" of documents and help/assistance folders in the ADAMS Document Manager. In the Web-based version of ADAMS, the same documents are available for searching but the folders are not available and searches are conducted directly from search screens.

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What are the two collections I can search in ADAMS?

  1. The Publicly Available Records (PARS), has full text documents which can be searched using specific fields and parameters. The PARS Library contains documents written and released since November 1, 1999.
  2. The Legacy Library is mostly bibliographic (it contains citations or descriptions to documents available in paper or microfiche) and is only available in the Citrix-based version. It is searchable using specific fields and parameters. The Legacy Library contains document citations for documents written and released before November 1, 1999. Public users may be familiar with the Public Document Room's Bibliographic Retrieval System (BRS); these are the records migrated into the Legacy Library.
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How do I access ADAMS?

For the Web-based version of ADAMS, see Web-Based Access to ADAMS or, from the Electonic Reading Room, select Documents in ADAMS, then Web-Based Access. Since it is a direct connection to the ADAMS database via the NRC Web Site, you will use your Web browser. This release works with both Netscape and Internet Explorer (IE). The recommended browser is IE 6.0 SP1. See Viewers, Plugins, and Other Tools to obtain the latest browser.

For the Citrix-based version of ADAMS, you will need to have the appropriate software loaded on your computer to access the full ADAMS capabilities to search for, retrieve, view, and order documents at your computer. Please review your computer's configuration by reading the Installation Instructions for ADAMS 4.0 Client Software.

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How do I access ADAMS if I use a MACINTOSH (MAC)?

If you are using the Web-based version of ADAMS, see Web-Based Access. You will not need to make any configuration changes. Web-based ADAMS is accessed directly through the Electronic Reading Room at the NRC Web Site.

If you are accessing the Citrix-based version of ADAMS, see the Citrix client download page exit icon.

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How do I access ADAMS as an International User?

See How do I access ADAMS. Please note that you may have to change your keyboard layout to "English" (United States) while using ADAMS, then change back to your native keyboard layout when not using ADAMS.

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How do I access ADAMS through a Local Area Network (LAN)?

For the Web-based version of ADAMS, see Web-Based Access to ADAMS or, from the Electonic Reading Room, select Documents in ADAMS, then Web-Based Access.

If you are using the Citrix-based version, you will need to have the appropriate Citrix software loaded on your workstation.

For a list of detailed instructions on using ADAMS with a firewall, contact the PDR or see a technical paper on using firewalls with Citrix exit icon.

If your organization has installed the Citrix Network Neighborhood on your computer and you cannot establish a connection between the Citrix ALE (Web browser) client and the NRC ADAMS server, see Creating a Citrix Network Neighborhood Session.

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How frequently is the content updated?

In the Citrix-based version the database contents are updated periodically during the day. The Web-based version is updated only once daily, usually after midnight East coast time.

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What can I do in the Citrix-based version that I can't do in the Web-based version?

The Citrix-based version has an Online Order module, and a Reports capability. In the Web-based version, document lists can be created by cutting and pasting search results onto your word processing program. Web-based users can email or fax the created listings to the PDR staff. See also the Comparison of Web-Based and Citrix-Based Access to ADAMS

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Where can I learn more about ADAMS?

You will find additional information by following these links:

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Web-Based Access to ADAMS

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What is Web-based ADAMS?

The Web-based public access to ADAMS is a powerful, yet-easy-to-use search engine that retrieves publicly available NRC documents without downloading the Citrix client plug-in.

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How do I log onto the Web-based version of ADAMS?

See Web-Based Access to ADAMS or, from the Electonic Reading Room, select Documents in ADAMS, then Web-Based Access.

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Our office has a firewall. Will I be able to use the Web-based version of ADAMS?

The firewall issue has been one of the reasons for releasing the Web-based version of ADAMS. Even with a firewall, there is no need to compromise the security of your office system, since access to ADAMS is provided by a direct link from the NRC Web Site.

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What type of browser works best with this application?

This release works with both Netscape and Internet Explorer (IE). The recommended browser is Internet Explorer (IE) 6.0 SP1.

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How do I search for documents?

Users enter search words or phrases in a query box. Choose either a Basic Web search screen (for Concept searches) or an Advanced search screen (for Concept, Pattern or Boolean searches).

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In what formats are the documents?

Documents continue to be in both PDF and TIFF formats.

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How do I view/save/print documents?

Users can view either the text or the image (the official agency record) of a document. To save or print, use these options from within your viewer. See Viewers, Plugins, and Other Tools to obtain PDF and TIFF viewers. If you have any problems viewing TIFF documents see ADAMS Help and Reference.

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What about the printer issue?

With the Web-based version of ADAMS, printer compatibility is no longer an issue.

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How do I save a document hit list?

You can save a document hit list by cutting and pasting the document citations from your hit list onto your word processor application or viewer. In this way you can easily tailor the hit list to your immediate needs and save the product.

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How do I order documents?

If you have a list of documents from a search, you can e-mail that saved list to the PDR reference staff or see Contact the Public Document Room Staff for instructions for shipping and billing and for facsimile and voice telephone numbers. Documents are duplicated by the PDR copy contractor for a set fee. You can also call in requests for three documents or less.

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Where can I learn more about Web-based access to ADAMS?

You will find additional information by following these links:

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Citrix-Based Access to ADAMS

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How are documents arranged in the Citrix-based ADAMS?

Documents are arranged within two "libraries" or collections, the Public Legacy Library (PLL) and the Publicly Available Records System (PARS), both searchable under the ADAMS Find capability in the ADAMS Document Manager. The PARS library is subdivided into monthly and daily folders of released documents and specialty folders, i.e., Meeting Notices and FOIA requests. There are also help and assistance folders in the ADAMS Document Manager.

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What are the two collections I can search in the Citrix-based version of ADAMS?

  1. The Legacy Library is mostly bibliographic (it contains citations or descriptions to documents available in paper or microfiche) and is searchable using specific fields and parameters. The Legacy Library contains document citations for documents written and released before November 1st, 1999. Public users may be familiar with the Public Document Room's Bibliographic Retrieval System; these are the records migrated into the Legacy Library.
  2. The Publicly Available Records Library has full text and image documents which can be searched using specific fields and parameters. The PARS Library contains documents written and released since November 1st, 1999.
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What are document folders? Are they the same documents found in another part of ADAMS?

Document folders are a system which points to some of the documents and other objects that are stored within ADAMS. Not all documents in ADAMS are in the folders in the Document Manager! And a single document may be found in more than one folder (just as a copy of a paper document can be filed in more than one physical file folder).

Folders are shortcuts to browse through specific types of documents and other objects; just remember when searching through the folders in the Document Manager if you do not find what you are looking for, you can always search using ADAMS Find.

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How do I learn more about the Citrix-based version of ADAMS?

You can learn more about ADAMS by reading the Public Libraries Users' Guide, available in a folder on the ADAMS Document Manager - Publicly Available Records System - ADAMS Help and Tips, or see the Web version.

If you would like to schedule an ADAMS training session, contact the NRC Public Document Room. A PDR reference librarian can discuss your training needs with you and schedule class time. You may contact the PDR staff for more information.

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How do I access the Citrix-based version of ADAMS?

You will need to have the appropriate software loaded on your computer to access the full ADAMS capabilities to search for, retrieve, view, and order documents at your computer. Please review your computer's configuration by reading the Installation Instructions for ADAMS 4.0 Client Software.

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How do I access the Citrix-based version of ADAMS if I use a MACINTOSH (MAC)?

See the Citrix client download page exit icon.

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How do I access Citrix-based ADAMS as an International User?

See How do I access ADAMS. Please note that you may mav to change your keyboard layout to "English" (United States) while using ADAMS, then change back to your native keyboard layout when not using ADAMS.

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How do I access Citrix-based ADAMS through a Local Area Network (LAN)?

You will need to have the appropriate Citrix software loaded on your workstation. Citrix's Internet technology allows users to run Citrix sessions over the Internet. This poses a challenge for maintaining Internet security because Citrix's Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) protocol is a relatively new networking protocol that runs over TCP/IP using registered port 1494. Firewalls do not understand ICA because it is not a "well known" networking protocol. Therefore, allowing the ICA protocol to pass through the firewall becomes a configuration challenge.

For a list of detailed instructions on using ADAMS with a firewall, contact the PDR or see the Citrix Recommended Client Chart exit icon.

You may need additional instructions if you need to access the NRC ADAMS system through the Citrix Network Neighborhood because your organization has installed the Citrix Network Neighborhood on your computer and you can not establish a connection between the Citrix ALE (Web browser) client and the NRC ADAMS server.

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How do I know if my printer is compatible with the Citrix-based version of ADAMS?

See the list of printers compatible with ADAMS PDF Icon.

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How do I logon to Citrix-based ADAMS?

At the FileNet Logon screen enter guest as the User Name. There is no password or group to be entered.

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How do I maximize the Citrix ICA Window?

You can change the size of the window to better fit your screen. When running ADAMS from inside a Web browser, use one of the Microsoft Windows resize buttons to set the size of the Web browser window. Press the Web browser Reload (Netscape) or Refresh (Microsoft Internet Explorer) button. NOTE: See Enabling JavaScript if you are using Netscape, you must have JavaScript enabled to resize your ADAMS window inside Netscape.

When Running ADAMS in a Separate Window, select from the following screen sizes:

  • Launch in a high-resolution screen (1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels high)
  • Launch in a large screen (800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high)
  • Launch in a medium screen (700 pixels wide by 525 pixels high)
  • Launch in a default screen (640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high)
  • Launch in a small screen (600 pixels wide by 400 pixels high)

See Controlling the Size of the PERR (ADAMS) Window.

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How do I search for documents in Citrix-based ADAMS?

Initially, you will enter the ADAMS Document Manager screen (for an explanation on Folders in the Document Manager, see the FAQ on What are document folders?). To search the ADAMS Libraries, at the Document Manager screen, click on Tools to get the dropdown menu. Select ADAMS Find.

There are two modes for searching the ADAMS Libraries: Simple and Advanced. Before electing the search mode, be certain to select the Library you wish to search (Public Legacy or PARS).

Simple Search allows you to quickly locate documents using pick lists that permit you to see a list of values used in some of the profile fields. The default for the maximum search results returned (box above document date) is set at 10 in the Simple Search and 1000 in the Advanced Search. The default can be changed before initiating a search request. The Advanced Search features searching on document profile fields not available using Simple Search. It also allows you to change the display of the search and control how the criteria are combined using Boolean Operators.

For additional guidance in searching the ADAMS Libraries, contact the PDR staff.

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How do I select the fields to view in my search results?

Selected properties can be displayed when viewing search results in Advance Search. Click on the Results Option tab (before entering a search statement), select Add and use the down arrow to display the properties. Choose the properties to be displayed and click the Add button after each selection. When all selections have been made, click Close, then the Search Criteria tab and enter your search statements.

Documents can be viewed using the Default Option. In Advance Search, select View at the ADAMS Find Toolbar and select Show Criteria (this will display the full window). Right click on the column heading (Name) and select on the Use Default button then ok. The default fields will be displayed.

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How do I view multi-page TIFF documents?

Instructions are available in the ADAMS Public Libraries Users' Guide (PLUG) section on Viewing Documents. See also Viewers, Plugins, and Other Tools to obtain PDF and TIFF viewers.

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How do I search text in a TIFF file?

Select Open Text from the menu (the document opens in a Notepad menu). Select Search from the Notepad menu bar then Find. Enter your search word at the Find What box and click on Find Next to begin the search.

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How do I print a TIFF file?

Before connecting to ADAMS, making sure that your default Windows printer is on the See the list of printers compatible with ADAMS PDF Icon.

With the document open, go to the "Printer Setup" on the "File" drop down menu of the viewing application. If your printer is not highlighted in the first editable box, try to select your printer from the list of available printers. If you are able to select your printer from the list, the printing functions should work fine. If you cannot print from the open document, save the document to a file in your local A or C drive (A$ on 'Client' (A:) or C$ on 'Client' (C:)) and print from there.

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How do I view PDF documents?

Refer to the ADAMS Public Libraries Users' Guide (PLUG) section on Viewing Documents and see Adobe's instructions on downloading and using Adobe Acrobat exit icon.

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How do I search text in a PDF file?

If the file to be searched is in PDF format, Double Click on the title to open the document. In the Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the Binoculars symbol in the Tool Bar. Enter your search word at the Find What box and click on Find to begin the search.

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How do I print a PDF file?

Before connecting to ADAMS, making sure that your default Windows printer is on the list of printers compatible with ADAMS PDF Icon.

Open or view the subject document. Use the printer icon on the lowest tool bar. The print function in the file drop down menu and the printer icon on the upper tool bar do not function because Acrobat takes over control of the file.

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How do I sort my search results?

In Advance Search select View at the ADAMS Find Toolbar and select Show Criteria (this will display the entire window, multi-value fields cannot be sorted). Right click on the column heading Name and select on the Use Default button and then ok. The default fields will be displayed. Double click on the column heading Text Source Flag. The search results should now be sorted with the packages together. To sort by date, double click on the column heading Document Date.

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How do I save a document?

Right click on the selected document title then select the Copy Image To option. A Warning Screen will appear, click ok. In the Save In box use the down arrow to select either the A or C drive (A$ on 'Client' (A:) or C$ on 'Client' (C:)). You may choose to change the file name at this point. If a Security Screen comes up asking what level of acess you want to give the application, you must select Full Access in order to save the files to your local drives. Then click the Save button.

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How do I save a document list?

Highlight the document selection from the list. Right click on the highlighted list then select Create Report. A Warning Screen will appear, click ok. Choose a format and click ok. When the report appears on the screen, go to File and select Save As. In the Save In box use the down arrow to select either the A or C drive (A$ on 'Client' (A:) or C$ on 'Client' (C:)). Name the file and click the Save button.

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Where can I learn more about Citrix-based access to ADAMS?

You will find additional information by following these links:

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Last revised Wednesday, September 08, 2004