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Intro to FEA
Spotlight on Architecture
BEA Team

The BLM's architecture provides an integrated view of business processes, data, applications, and technology. The architecture is described using the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) reference models which provides a common taxonomy for use in Capital Planning & Investment Control (CPIC), security and architecture. The technical architecture utilizes the Service Reference Model (SRM) of the FEA.

The role of the Technology architect within the BLM Enterprise Architecture (BEA) Team is to work in conjunction with the Technical Review Board (TRB) by researching and recommending standards for products and services for the BLM. These Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA)-classified standards are maintained within a combination of the Department of Interior (DOI) Technical Reference Manual (TRM) and the BLM's ETRM (an exceptions document). The TRM is policy-based guidance that is required to be used when purchasing or using technologies and products.

Requests for changes and waivers to the DOI TRM and the BLM ETRM can be submitted using the online BLM Configuration Management Change Request form. For more information about the BLM ETRM, please contact the BEA Technology lead.

In addition to helping maintain the ETRM, the technology team established and facilitates the Technical Advisory Groups (TAGs) (link located on the BEA intranet website) as directed by the TRB. TAGs conduct technology research in support of technology refresh cycles, gaps in the architecture, and new investment requirements. From time to time, the TRB chairpersons request a TAG be started in order to produce the required information and recommendations to ensure the optimal product or service is identified.

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Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
North Dakota EA Technology Forums

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