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Text: Biospheric Sciences Branch image of Earth header slice right
Text: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771-0001 U.S.A.
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white spacer image burned hillside in Brazil white spacer image Aerosol Robotic Network sunphotometer instrument white spacer image Scientist holding PARABOLA instrument white spacer image Satellite image of Washington, DC white spacer image Landsat 7 launch white spacer image Biospheric Sciences Branch imagesGOALS/VISION

The Biospheric Sciences Branch studies terrestrial ecosystems and their interactions with the atmosphere using multiscale remote sensing, modeling, and advanced analytical techniques. Specifically, the Branch
 (1)   utilizes ground, aircraft, and satellite remote sensing instruments to measure variables that describe the temporal and spatial dynamics of natural ecosystems as well as human impacts on these systems, especially the vegetation condition (e.g., land cover, height, biomass, photosynthetic capacity), soils (e.g., soil condition and type), and links to atmospheric constituents (e.g., aerosols, CO2);
  develops mathematical models which predict land surface conditions and processes related to rates of vegetation, soil, and atmosphere exchanges (e.g., radiation, heat, water, greenhouse gases, net primary productivity) as functions of remotely sensed and ground-based observations;
acquires, produces, and distributes comprehensive, integrated land data sets incorporating ground, airborne, and/or satellite observations to facilitate model development and validation; 
ensures the scientific integrity of new Earth remote sensing systems to improve space-based Earth observation; and
(5)   performs research which leads to the definition and development of new technologies, sensors, and missions.

Through the above activities the Branch assesses and predicts environmental changes due to natural and anthropogenic processes at local to global scales.



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Goddard Space Flight Center Logo and link to GSFC Home Page Satellite image image of scientist holding PARABOLA instrument Sunphotometer instrument image of burned hillside in Brazil Responsible NASA Official: Dr. K. Jon Ranson, Branch Head
Web Information Contact: Arlene Kerber
, NASA's GSFC, Code 923
Goddard Space Flight Center Logo and link to GSFC Home Page Web Page Curator: Sandra Bussard, Science Systems & Applications, Inc. (SSAI)
Updated: September 28, 2004

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