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Criminal Justice Library

OVCRC is a component of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS), which provides you access to the most comprehensive collection of victim-related publications in the world.

NCJRS also offers an online Abstracts Database that contains summaries of more than 170,000 criminal justice publications. OVCRC offers customized searches of the Abstracts Database to help you locate the information you need. Call OVCRC at 1-800-851-3420 (TTY 1-877-712-9279) to find out more. A sample topical search of the abstracts database is presented below.

Bibliographical Searches
Download the Word or PDF file to view the full listing for each document abstract. The Summary of Resources provides document titles and links (when available).

Human Trafficking
PDF (213 kb) or Word (384 kb) files

Summary of Human Trafficking Resources
A link to the full-text document or the publisher's Web site is provided whenever possible. To obtain a document through these organizations, you may contact them directly or visit your local bookstore. An additional reprint source for periodical literature is The Uncover Company. For documents not available online, visit NCJRS' Online Ordering System or call NCJRS at 1-800-851-3420.

Body Brokers in Organ Trafficking, NCJ 189993

Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children: Youth Involved in Prostitution, Pornography and Sex Trafficking, NCJ 180169

Crossing Borders Against Trafficking in Women and Girls, Second Edition, NCJ 193337

Fusion of Immigration and Crime in the European Union: Problems of Cooperation and the Fight Against the Trafficking in Women, NCJ 178844

Global Programme Against Trafficking in Human Beings (From Women in the Criminal Justice System: International Examples and National Responses), NCJ 188846

Hopes Betrayed: Trafficking of Women and Girls to Post-Conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina for Forced Prostitution, NCJ 198476

Human Smuggling and Trafficking: A Desk Review on the Trafficking in Women From the Philippines, NCJ 196580 PDF (71 kb)

Human Smuggling and Trafficking: An Overview of the Response at the Federal Level, NCJ 183840

Information Campaigns Against Trafficking

International Trafficking in Women and Children, NCJ 197456

Modern Form of Slavery: Trafficking of Burmese Women and Girls Into Brothels in Thailand, NCJ 155484

Multidisciplinary Research on the Phenomenon of Trafficking in Human Beings From an International and National Perspective: A Pilot Study With Poland and Hungary, NCJ 176866

New IOM Figures on the Global Scale of Trafficking, NCJ 198174

Note by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Children's Fund and the International Organization for Migration on the Draft Protocols Concerning Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons, NCJ 184264

Preventing Trafficking in Women and Children in Asia: Issues and Options, NCJ 198331

Promised Land: A Study of Trafficking in Women from Central and Eastern Europe to the Netherlands, NCJ 185270

Rape for Profit: Trafficking of Nepali Girls and Women to India's Brothels, NCJ 156599

Revised Draft Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, NCJ 179592.

Revised Draft Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Supplementing the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, NCJ 182616.

The Rise in Human Trafficking and the Role of Organized Crime, NCJ 193334 PDF (1065 kb)

Sex Trafficking: A Financial Crime Perspective, NCJ 195061

Status of Human Trafficking in Latin America, NCJ 198420

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: A Trafficking Dilemma, NCJ 196495

Trafficking and Smuggling of Refugees: The End Game in European Asylum Policy? NCJ 198175

Trafficking in Human Beings, NCJ 178571

Trafficking in Human Beings: The Slavery That Surrounds Us, NCJ 191387 PDF (304 kb)

Trafficking in Misery: Human Migrant Smuggling and Organized Crime, (PDF 2.26 mb), NCJ 191760

Trafficking in People in Thailand, NCJ 178839

Trafficking in Persons Report, NCJ 199042

Trafficking in Unaccompanied Minors for Sexual Exploitation in the European Union, NCJ 193996

    Part I PDF (404 kb)
    Part II PDF (320 kb)

Trafficking in Women: The Misery Behind the Fantasy: From Poverty to Sex Slavery, NCJ 188237 PDF (79.5 kb)

Trafficking in Women and Children for the Sex Industry: Women's Participation in the Crime. A Contextual Approach (From Women in the Criminal Justice System: International Examples and National Responses), NCJ 188841

Trafficking in Women and Children from the Republic of Armenia: A Study, NCJ 193991 PDF (80 kb)

Trafficking in Women and Girls and HIV Prevention, NCJ 193936

Trafficking in Women for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation, NCJ 193336

Trafficking in Women Through Poland: Analysis of the Phenomenon, Causes of Trans-migration and Proposals to Tackle the Problem (From Women in the Criminal Justice System: International Examples and National Responses), NCJ 188847

Trafficking of Women and Girls, NCJ 191935

Trafficking of Women for Marriage in China: Policy and Practice, NCJ 198962

Trafficking of Women into the European Union, NCJ 193508

United Nations Global Programme Against Trafficking in Human Beings: Research and Lessons Learned, NCJ 199233

Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act 2000: Trafficking in Persons Report, NCJ 195709 PDF (629 kb)

Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000: Trafficking in Persons Report, NCJ 198883

Victims of Trafficking: Far From Home and Helpless, NCJ 182334

Victims of Trafficking in the Balkans, NCJ 193992 PDF (1945 kb)

Violence Against Women Under China's Economic Modernisation: Resurgence of Women Trafficking in China (From International Victimology), NCJ 169480

What the Professionals Know: The Trafficking of Children Into, and Through, the UK for Sexual Purposes, NCJ 196542 PDF (152 kb)

This document was last updated on September 25, 2003