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Staff Bio
John (Spud) Bradley
Division of Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education (ESIE)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard,
Room 879
Arlington, VA 22230, USA
Phone : 703-292-8620
Email : jbradley@nsf.gov
Section Head, Instructional Materials Development
Instructional Materials, Mathematics 7-12
Centers for Learning and Teaching
B.S., University of Southern Mississippi, 1955
M.A., George Peabody College, 1956
Ph. D., University of Iowa, 1964
Spud Bradley is Section Head for Instructional Materials Development (IMD). He also has lead responsibility for the Centers for Learning and Teaching (CLT) program. Spud has been with the Division of Elementary, Secondary and Informal Education since 1994. He served as Director of the Washington Office of the American Mathematical Society and as Program Officer in what is now the NSF Division of Undergraduate Education prior to his current position. He spent most of his career as a member of the Mathematics Department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
The IMD program supports projects that develop high-quality, research-based instructional and assessment materials for students. The CLT program supports projects that are designed to focus on the advanced preparation and professional development of science, technology and mathematics practitioners and educators, the establishment of complex, meaningful partnerships among education stakeholders, especially Ph.D.-granting institutions, school systems, and informal education performers, and research on learning and teaching.