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Proposal Preparation

These questions deal with standard proposal preparation issues. There are 24 items in Proposal Preparation.

  1. If an organization determines that those authorized to submit proposals also are designated AORs, should both the "Submit Proposals to NSF" and "Authorized Organizational Representative Functions" be checked as part of their user permissions?
  2. On the cumulative budget page, the number of Post Doctoral Associates, Other Professionals, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Secretarial or Other is not adding correctly. What is wrong?
  3. What if an existing program announcement or solicitation specifies that a paper proposal Cover Sheet should be submitted?
  4. Are signed budgets still required when submitting supplemental funding requests?
  5. How do I complete a sub-award budget?
  6. My PDF files look fine when I view/print them one at a time. But when I print the entire proposal (or when I send the proposal to my Sponsor Project Office or equivalent) characters are missing and equations corrupted. What is happening?
  7. When NSF prints the proposals, do they print the proposal in color?
  8. I want to add more than 4 Co-PIs to my cover sheet. Can I do this?
  9. How will PIs and co-PIs sign the proposal in the new electronic signature process?
  10. Is the organization responsible for collecting PI signatures for proposals submitted to NSF?
  11. How long after submission does the AOR have to electronically sign the proposal?
  12. How do I exit the FastLane Proposal Preparation application?
  13. How do I know NSF has successfully received my FastLane proposal?
  14. What if an existing program announcement or solicitation specifies that a paper proposal Cover Sheet should be submitted?
  15. Can you print out the PI/Co-PI Information Form?
  16. When trying to print a FastLane form (i.e. pull up a form in Adobe Reader) I get "An Error Occurred While Trying to Use This Document" error message or a blank page and a "Document Done" message. What is wrong?
  17. After the proposal was submitted, I go into the Proposal Status Inquiry/FastLane organizational Reports application and get a message that the Proposal does not exist. What's happening?
  18. Can an AOR electronically sign a proposal "in process" prior to submission of the proposal?
  19. How does the organizational administrator make required changes to a FastLane proposal once the PI allows SRO access?
  20. What if our organization has separate individuals designated to submit and sign the proposal?
  21. Can you upload all of the current and pending support forms as one file, by clicking on the PI's name and clicking on the Transfer File button?
  22. Can you edit the Table of Contents?
  23. I get this error message: "At least one of the month counts must be greater than 0 on the support form for This Project." I have entered all zeros for the months. Why am I getting this error message?
  24. How can I change my e-mail, phone and fax numbers?

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