Modified 30 July 2004 This package contains version 2.402 of GUICS, Graphical User Interface for Crop Models. Please note that in order to run the cotton model GOSSYM (installed as MAFES), GUICS has to be placed in the root directory of your C: drive, i.e., C:\GUICS. This is because the location of some files are hard coded. This will be addressed in the future. If you are using a recent version of windows such as windows 2000 or XP, the new windows installer will recognize GUICS.msi when you click on it. Otherwise just click on the setup.exe. If the new windows installer has not been installed on your machine, the setup program will install it. The documentation will be updated for this new version this spring. The look of the program is different but the basic behavour hasn't changed. We have added the ability to customize the format of the data downloaded from the Campbell scientific weather stations. There are still some problems downloading data, we are working on fixing them. If you are using Windows 2000 or XP, GUICS has to be installed by a user with adminstrative rights. If, after installation, you use the program as a non-administrative user you might have some problems with the model finding information about the different crop models that have been installed. This information is stored in the registry but I still haven't worked out the best way to handle the registry information. To see if the registry information is correct, choose 'Datasets' from the menu. A small dialog box should open with a drop down list that has the text 'GLYCIM' in it. You should be able to select the other models from that list. If the list is blank, the registry information was not entered correctly. To fix the registry information go to the add/remove programs in control panel and run it as the user you want to run GUICS under. Find the entry for GUICS then click on support information. You should see a button called 'repair'. This will enter the correct information into the registry. The confusion arises from the definition of "current_user". If you install the program as an administrator, only the administrator has the information in the registry. The repair method is a workaround. This is an artifact of some changes in the software used to develop this program. We used to have an "ini" file and the default code to read the same information from the registry assumes the information is in the Current_user key. Dennis