Pentagon Honors Eleanor Balibar

Photo of Eleanora Balibar, center, David Cooke, right, and Terry Brennan, left
Eleanora Balibar, center, receives the DOD Service Award
from David (Doc) Cooke, at right, the director of the
Washington Headquarters Services on Oct. 30, 2000, at a
Pentagon ceremony. Terry Brennan, coordinator of the
Green Energy Parks Program at NPS Washington Head-
quarters, is at left.

Eleanora Balibar, an NPS regional energy coordinator, has received a Department of Defense Service Award for her work in helping the DOD to conduct the Energy 2000 Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Balibar is a regional energy coordinator at the Maintenance, Design and Engineering Division of the Philadelphia Support Office. Beginning Aug. 25, 1999, she spent a year helping Bob Billak, an energy manager for the Pentagon, to coordinate the logistics for the conference. Balibar coordinated speaker presentations, wrote topic abstracts for the Whole Building Design Track, which was the DOD's responsibility, and made all the arrangements for the speakers' requirement.

She also moderated three of the eight sessions, introducing the speakers, providing biographical information, fielding questions, and providing answers after the presentations. Ms. Balibar's personal commitment and dedication created an atmosphere that was friendly,

cooperative, professional, and constructive throughout the process.

Her positive attitude and conscientious attention to the philosophy of the Defense Energy Mission and to the interests and concerns of the members of the Energy 2000 Planning Committee were critical ingredients for making the conference a real success.

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