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If you use any of these images in publications or presentations, please acknowledge the NOAA / PMEL / TAO Project Office, Dr. Michael J. McPhaden, Director. Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of any such publications for inclusion in the TAO bibliography. These publications should be sent to:

TAO Project Office
NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA
Email: atlasrt@noaa.gov

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Normal Conditions El Niño La Niña

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TAO System Overview

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El Niño and Normal

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La Niña and Normal

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La Niña, Normal, and El Niño

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ENSO Observing System Rationale

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Impacts of El Niño
from CPC

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Tropical Moored Buoy Arrays

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Global Tropical Moored Buoy Arrays

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ENSO Observing System

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ENSO Observing System - dark background

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ENSO Observing System - black and white

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TOGA System: Global Tropics - light background

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TOGA System: Global Tropics - dark background

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TOGA System: Global Tropics - black and white

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TOGA System: Pacific Basin - light background

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85 TOGA System: Pacific Basin - dark background

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TOGA System: Pacific Basin - black and white, coarse grained (best for xeroxing)


Standard ATLAS Buoy

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Next Generation ATLAS Buoy

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Next Generation ATLAS Buoy
Gray Shades

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Next Generation Current Meter Buoy

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TAO Buoy Operations From the KA'IMIMOANA

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TAO Buoy Operations From the KA'IMIMOANA

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More Buoy Photos

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TAO Project Office
| Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
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