TAO Home About Tao Project Data display pages Data display pages El Niņo and La Niņa information Site map
Upper Ocean Temperature and Dynamic Height
1. JAVAScript Animation
2. GIF Animation
3. Large JAVAScript Animation (Warning: SLOW through modem)
4. Large GIF Animation
5. Virtual Reality Animation
6. Local PMEL info on creating these images in Explorer
20°C Isotherm and Upper Ocean Temperature at the Equator
1. JAVAScript Animation
2. GIF Animation
3. Large JAVASript Animation (Warning: SLOW through modem)
4. Large GIF Animation
20°C Isotherm and Upper Ocean Temperature and Current at the Equator
1. JAVAScript Animation
2. GIF Animation
3. Large JAVAScript Animation (Warning: SLOW through modem)
4. Large GIF Animation
5. Same as 1 but from inside the Ocean looking North
6. GIF Animation of 5
7. Same as 5 but LARGE (Warning: SLOW through modem)
8. Large GIF Animation of 5
Sea Surface Temperature, Winds, 20°C Isotherm, and Upper Ocean Temperature and Current at the Equator
1. JAVAScript Animation
2. GIF Animation
3. Large JAVASript Animation (Warning: SLOW through modem)
4. Large GIF Animation
5. JAVAScript Animation with Rotating Angle of View
6. GIF Animation of 5
Virtual Reality Visualizations (VRML viewer required)
1. PMEL Virtual Reality Page
2. Virtual Reality Animation of Temperature and Dynamic Height
The TAO/TRITON array consists of approximately 70 moorings in the Tropical Pacific Ocean to improve detection, understanding, and prediction of Niño and La Niña. The array is a major component of the the El Niño / Southern Oscillation Observing System, the Global Climate Observing System and the Global Ocean Observing System.

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TAO Project Office
| Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
7600 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
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