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Handling Misconduct
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Handling Misconduct


HHS Departmental Appeals Board Information


A respondent may request a hearing on the PHS finding of research misconduct and/or the PHS administrative actions before the HHS Departmental Appeals Board (DAB). The request must be made to the DAB within 30 days of receipt of the ORI final report and notification letter that contains the finding and administrative actions. A DAB hearing is conducted by a DAB member or an administrative judge and two scientists. During a hearing, the respondent may be represented by counsel and may file motions and pleadings, make legal arguments, request discovery, present and cross examine witnesses, submit evidence, and participate in the hearing. ORI relies heavily on the cooperation of the involved institutions in obtaining witnesses, documents, and other assistance in presenting its case before the DAB.

If the DAB rules in favor of the respondent, the misconduct finding will be overturned and the proposed administrative actions will not take effect. DAB rulings on propose debarments are subject to final approval by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants and Acquisition Management (DASGAM), the debarring official for HHS. If the misconduct findings and administrative actions are affirmed by the DAB (and DASGAM in cases of debarment), they take effect immediately. Whatever the outcome a final notification letter is sent to the institution where the investigation was conducted and to the current employing institution if the respondent has relocated. See other close out procedures under ORI Decision and PHS Decision.


Departmental Appeals Board Decisions and Rulings


DAB Guidelines for Scientific Misconduct Hearings - 59 Fed. Reg. 29809 (June 9, 1994)


Departmental Appeals Board Scientific Misconduct Decisions


ORI Summary Of Angelides Decision, DAB Decision No. 1677,
February 5, 1999, and Related Civil Suit


Full DAB Report on Angelides       Adobe Acrobat Document (535 kb)


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Updated February 21, 2003