U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research

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Disease Summaries

American Brain Tumor Association This primer defines and categorizes tumors; explains the parts of the brain and their functions; and discusses symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of brain tumors.
Cancer Guide non-profit cancer information organization
Cancer Information Archives patient information on various types of cancer
CancerLit journal and meeting abstract searches
Colon Cancer Alliance patient information
Department of Defense Breast Cancer Guide patient information
Dictionary of Cancer Related Terms from the National Cancer Institute
European Cancer Center Telescan
European State of the Art of Oncology Project this developing site provides individual chapters on state-of-the-art treatment of specific human malignant tumors to help physicians in their daily oncology practice.
Eye Cancers
FDA Cancer Liaison Program
Leukemia Links patient information
Lymphoma Foundation Information and resources on Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Lymphomas from the Leukemia-Lymphoma Society
Melanoma Patient's Information Page patient information
Myelodysplastic Diseases from the Leukemia-Lymphoma Society
Myeloma from the Leukemia-Lymphoma Society
National Cancer Instute Resource Guide NCI funded research projects
NCI Cancer Disease Summaries Comprehensive summaries of cancers arranged by type and anatomic location
NCI Cancer Information
NCI Cancer Information Service
NCI Disease Summaries for the Patient Non-technical information
NCI Screening and Testing Information
NCI- SEER summaries of pediatric malignancies and incidence prepared by national experts in pediatric oncology
NCI-PDQ Screening Summaries information related to cancer screening
NCI-PDQ Supportive Care Summaries
OncoLink-University of Pennsylvania This comprehensive site contains links to disease and medical specialty menues, psychosocial support issues, cancer causes, screening and prevention, pain and fatigue mnagement, financial issues, and more.
Pancreas Cancer To educate health care professionals and patients about pancreatic cancer treatment at Hopkins
Pancreatic Duct pancreatic cancer patient information
Partners Against Pain commercially sponsored site with educational material
Sarcoma Net patient information
Talaria Cancer Pain Mangement Resource intended for health care professionals

FDA/Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
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Originator: OTCOM/DLIS