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Picture of International Task Force 45
International Task Force 45:
Canada, United Kingdom, United States Memorandum of Understanding
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International Task Force-45 of the CANUKUS Tripartite MOU addresses separate but related issues concerning the emergency response to mass casualties.  Though focussed on chemical warfare (CW) settings, issues are germane to any mass casualty scenario, be they on the traditional battlefield or in an urban setting.  As opposed to the conventional passive NBC defense “Detect to avoid” paradigm where agent is detected and avoided, this ITF focuses on the issues related to CBRNE mass casualties and a “Detect to Treat” paradigm where the contaminated area is the work environment, and the number of victims overwhelms the inherent medical response capability.  The effort encompasses validation, revision, or development of new strategies, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), equipment and work tools, and training.  The ITF has a Knowledge Center with restricted access.  Contact the administrator for more information. International Task Force-45 of the CANUKUS Tripartite MOU addresses separate but related issues concerning the emergency response to mass casualties. Though focussed on chemical warfare (CW) settings, issues are germane to any mass casualty scenario, be they on the traditional battlefield or in an urban setting. As opposed to the conventional passive NBC defense “Detect to avoid” paradigm where agent is detected and avoided, this ITF focuses on the issues related to CBRNE mass casualties and a “Detect to Treat” paradigm where the contaminated area is the work environment, and the number of victims overwhelms the inherent medical response capability. The effort encompasses validation, revision, or development of new strategies, tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), equipment and work tools, and training. The ITF has a Knowledge Center with restricted access. Contact the administrator for more information.

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