[text version]

The Logo of the United States Lighthouse Service




A drawing of the Cape Canaveral iron lighthouse.

Light Stations: Information and Photography


Buoys & Tenders: A History

Sea Going & Coastal Buoy Tenders, A Historic Photo Gallery

Inland, River & Construction Tenders, A History Photo Gallery

Historically Famous Lighthouses

U.S. Lighthouse Service Chronology, 1716-1939

Interesting Lighthouse Facts

U.S. Lighthouse Service Uniforms

Light Stations (Alphabetical Listing)

Lighthouse Evolution & Typology

Lighthouses, Lightships, & Aids to Navigation Bibliography

Lighthouses Then & Now

Five lightship sailors describe what life was like on the Chesapeake
Lightship during the 1930's.

Remaining Lighthouses: Provided by the U.S. Lighthouse Society

LORAN: Early Electronic History and the Bridging of the North Atlantic and North Pacific

Teachers: a Guide to Teaching About Lighthouses,
Kindergarten Through the Fourth Grade

Teachers: A Gallery of Lighthouse Images

Researching Lighthouses & Keepers?

So you'd like to buy a lighthouse or become a lighthouse keeper?

Light House Connection to the Wright Brothers 1903 Flight???

[Historian's Office Home Page]

[USCG Home Page]
Added:       May 1999
Updated:    September 2002