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McKinley takes command of First Air Force/CONR


TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, Florida (8/2/2002) — Maj. Gen. Craig R. McKinley assumed command of the Air Force organization responsible for the air defense of the United States in a ceremony here today. McKinley, a native Floridian, accepted command from retiring Maj. Gen. Larry K. Arnold.

First Air Force, also known as the Continental U.S. NORAD Region or CONR, played a crucial role in securing U.S. airspace on Sept. 11. CONR is the lead organization for the command and control of Operation Noble Eagle.

Senior military officers from across the United States and Canada converged on Tyndall Air Force Base to witness McKinley assume command.

“Nothing is more important for a government to do than provide safety and security and improve quality of life for our citizens,” said General Ralph E. Eberhart, commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, who presided over the ceremony. “The key is to be prepared and proactive.”

“Because of the cooperation between military and civilian authorities, CONR was able to react quickly on Sept. 11,” said McKinley. “We will continue that teamwork and train daily to meet our nation’s requirements for rapid response to any threat to our air sovereignty. So when we’re called upon, we’ll be ready to act - and act fast.

“I want to be very accessible,” said McKinley. “I think the American public deserves it and I think Bay County deserves to know what 1st Air Force and CONR are doing. We will take every opportunity to be good neighbors and continue to be a positive force in the community.”

The ceremony was also presided over by Gen. Hal. M. Hornburg, commander of the Air Combat Command.

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