Below are the products commonly published by OVC. OVC also
produces Web-only, CD-ROM, DVD, and video materials. All materials
are available online.
Bulletins provide information about training,
promising practices, or findings and questions raised by symposia
or focus groups in a short format. The emerging issues they
address probably will be covered more thoroughly in reports, monographs,
and manuals. (Length: 816 print pages.)
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Reports document the proceedings of structured
focus groups in which practitioners and experts share their
knowledge, learn about related efforts, obtain feedback, and generate
recommendations for OVC and the field. The reports define the issues
under discussion; summarize literature findings; address methodologies
used; discuss gaps, promising practices, and approaches; and recommend
action for the field and OVC. (Length: 1660 print pages.)
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Monographs provide a full-length
presentation of the findings, conclusions, methodology, and other
information related to a specific program or project. (Length:
print pages.)
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Training guides contain materials to train
victim service professionals in how to enhance their capability
to serve crime victims. Training packages may include one or
all of the following: participant manuals that
describe basic concepts and specific practice-related information; trainer's
manuals that include material in the participant manual
along with annotated source material, lesson plans and objectives,
and notes on audiovisual aides; and training-for-trainers
manuals that establish the content in terms of adult
learning theory and provide strategies for mentoring trainers
new to a given topic. (Length: No more than 200 print pages.)
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Brochures provide brief descriptions of programs
or special office activity. (Length: 26 print pages.)
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Handbooks emphasize the practical implementation
of victim service tasks, offering service providers and allied
professionals specific strategies and actions. (Length: 1232
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Promising practices feature technical
assistance information drawn from national surveys of model practices
or programs. They provide guidance on replicating and adapting
elements of model programs to create new programs and refine existing
ones. (Length: 2452 print pages.)
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Resource directories offer contact information
for agencies and organizations in specific areas of expertise.
(Length: Determined by the subject matter.)
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E-publications are publications disseminated
exclusively on the Web. (Length: Determined by the subject matter.)
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