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AIDS Public Information Data Set - Manual

Data through December 2001

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Table of Contents

About this Data Set

Section 1, AIDS Surveillance in the United States

Section 2, Data File Variables and Coding Schemes

Section 3, State, MSA, and County Tables

Appendix A: Installation

Appendix B: Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Appendix C: Health Districts

About this Data Set

The AIDS Public Information Data Set is computer software designed to run on an Microsoft Windows microcomputer, and contains information abstracted from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases reported in the United States. The data set is created each year by the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and contains information extracted from CDC's national AIDS surveillance data base. Suggested citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. AIDS Public Information Data Set, December, 2001.

In December 1995, the software was modified to add data from all metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more population, for metropolitan areas with 100,000 or more population from selected states, and for individual counties or health districts from selected states. To protect the confidentiality of the data, some information was removed from the data set. Month of death, survival time, central versus outlying portion of metropolitan areas, reporting delay adjustments for death dates, and information on individual AIDS-indicator conditions were removed from the data set. The December 1996 edition added information on patient vital status. The December 1998 edition added percentage calculation to each tabulation. Additional information is contained in the on-line help files.

The AIDS Public Information Data Set contains data in two formats. The first format consists of a rectangular data file of 16 variables extracted from CDC's national AIDS data base. One-way and two-way cross tabulations of any of these variables can be displayed on your computer screen. The second format consists of a series of state, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and county/health district tables, containing information on 8 variables included in the rectangular data file plus a location variable. There is one set of tables for the entire United States, one set for each state, one set for each MSA, and one set for each county/health district. The rectangular data file, without the state or MSA tables, is also available as an ASCII data file.

To request a copy of this data set, contact the Statistics and Data Management Branch, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Mailstop E-48, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, 30333, telephone (404) 639-2020. You can also download the software from the Internet by linking to

This manual describes the data set. It is divided into three sections and three appendices. On-line help screens provide additional information.

Section 1, AIDS Surveillance in the United States, describes the data collection process and the effect changes in this process may have on data analysis and interpretation. The section reviews the source of AIDS surveillance data and describes which patients are included in the CDC definition. It also discusses reporting delays and reporting completeness.

Section 2, Data File Variables and Coding Schemes, lists the variables included on the rectangular data file and describes each variable's coding scheme.

Section 3, State, MSA, and County Tables, describes the variables included on the state, MSA, and county/health district tables.

Appendix A: Installation, describes how to load and run this program on your computer. It also suggests computer hardware and software you can use to analyze the data.

Appendix B: Metropolitan Statistical Areas lists the MSAs included in the data set.

Appendix C: Health Districts lists the counties which comprise each health district included in the data set.

Assurance of Confidentiality

The data files on the enclosed CD contain information abstracted from acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) case reports received from state and local health departments, who voluntarily report cases of AIDS to CDC. Case reports do not include patient or physician names or other personal identifiers. The data are protected under the Assurance of Confidentiality (Sections 306 and 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 242k and 242m(d)), which prohibits disclosure of any information that could be used to directly or indirectly identify patients. The statistical data contained in the AIDS Public Information Data Set are being released for public use in accordance with the assurance and do not identify patients directly, nor do they contain information that can identify patients indirectly.


AIDS Surveillance in the United States


In 1981, after early reports of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi's sarcoma, and other opportunistic infections in young homosexual men in Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began surveillance for a newly recognized constellation of diseases, now termed the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). CDC developed a surveillance case definition for this syndrome and initially received case reports directly from health care providers and state and local health departments. As the epidemic spread, state and local health departments assumed responsibility for AIDS surveillance, and by 1985 all states had regulations requiring physicians and other health care providers to report AIDS cases directly to the state or local health department. These health departments then share the reports with CDC, which produces the national AIDS surveillance data set.

The goals of AIDS surveillance have been to monitor both trends in AIDS cases and the scope of severe morbidity due to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). AIDS surveillance data are used to allocate resources for patient care, target HIV prevention programs, and evaluate the impact of public health recommendations. Advances in the understanding of the epidemiology and manifestations of HIV infection and changing diagnostic practices, however, present multiple challenges to those analyzing and interpreting the AIDS surveillance data. The following are a few examples:

  • A wide variety of persons are at risk for HIV, including men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, person who received a transfusion or who were tissue transplant recipients before March 1985, heterosexual partners of infected persons, children born to infected mothers, and persons with mucous membrane or percutaneous exposure to blood or body fluids of infected persons (e.g., health care workers). Because men who have sex with men comprise such a large proportion of the total number of AIDS cases, trends in this subgroup will overshadow those in other groups unless the data are examined separately. Analysis of data, without regard to specific subgroups, may conceal information or lead to misinterpretation of the data.

  • The etiologic agent of AIDS, HIV, has been identified, and diagnostic tests for infection with this virus have been developed. As a result, the surveillance of AIDS, initially dependent on the presence of certain indicator diseases specific for the infection, was expanded in 1985, 1987, and 1993 to include additional conditions (some conditions may be less specific for HIV infection) in the presence of laboratory evidence for infection, and in 1993 to include HIV-infected persons with laboratory evidence of severe immunosuppression. The addition of these conditions to the AIDS case definition has affected trends in reported AIDS cases, as well as trends in reporting of AIDS-defining opportunistic conditions.

  • Diagnostic practices have changed over time and vary geographically. AIDS is now a common diagnosis in many hospitals and clinics, and definitive diagnostic tests for manifestations of HIV infection (e.g., Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia or esophageal candidiasis) may not be done. HIV testing is not available for all patients and some patients choose not to be tested. Geographic variations in diagnostic practices and surveillance procedures, and changes over time could markedly affect trends in AIDS surveillance.

Source of AIDS Surveillance Data

CDC maintains national AIDS surveillance through receipt of AIDS case reports submitted by individual state and local health departments. Health departments report cases electronically through a CDC-developed microcomputer system. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. dependencies and possessions, and independent nations in free association with the United States (Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Republic of Palau, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia) report AIDS cases to CDC.

Although state and local health departments share AIDS surveillance data with CDC, the responsibility and authority for AIDS surveillance rests with the individual health departments. Like any reportable disease, the completeness of AIDS reporting reflects how actively health departments solicit case reports. Historically, disease surveillance systems have been categorized as passive or active, i.e., health departments may passively receive case reports from health care providers, depending on health care providers to know and comply with reporting requirements; or they may actively contact and interact with health care facilities or individual providers to stimulate disease reporting, sometimes directly assuming the primary responsibility of reporting cases from large or high-volume institutions.

CDC provides funding and technical assistance to health departments to actively stimulate AIDS case reporting and has encouraged them to take an active rather than passive approach to AIDS surveillance. Through surveillance cooperative agreements supported by CDC, health departments are encouraged to identify health care facilities that serve AIDS patients and work closely with these facilities to encourage reporting. They are also encouraged to send newsletters to health care providers and attend professional organization meetings, and to use other data sources to identify AIDS cases, including death certificates, laboratory reports, and tuberculosis and tumor registries. States vary in the structure and organization of their surveillance systems and, therefore, in the completeness of their case reporting (see below).

Case Definition

Before HIV was identified as the etiologic agent for AIDS, CDC defined a case of AIDS (for surveillance purposes) as a disease, at least moderately indicative of a defect in cell-mediated immunity, occurring in a person with no known cause for diminished resistance to the disease. Such diseases included Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, Kaposi's sarcoma, and many other serious opportunistic infections (see American Journal of Medicine, March 1984, pages 493-500). With identification of HIV as the causative agent for AIDS and the availability of laboratory tests to detect HIV antibody, the case definition was expanded to reflect an increased understanding of HIV infection in 1985 (see CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 28, 1985, pages 373-375) and in 1987 (see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, August 14, 1987, supplement, pages 3S-15S). These revisions applied to persons with laboratory evidence for HIV infection. Among diseases added in 1985 were disseminated histoplasmosis, chronic isosporiasis, and certain non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Among those added in 1987 were extrapulmonary tuberculosis, HIV encephalopathy, and HIV wasting syndrome. In children, recurrent, serious bacterial infections were also added. In addition, the 1987 revision allowed certain indicator diseases to be diagnosed presumptively based on clinical presentation rather than "confirmed" by laboratory or diagnostic methods.

To be consistent with standards of medical care for HIV-infected persons and to more accurately reflect the number of persons with severe HIV-related immunosuppression who are at highest risk for HIV-related morbidity and most in need of close medical follow-up, the surveillance definition was expanded on January 1, 1993 (see CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Recommendations and Reports, December 18, 1992). This expansion includes all HIV-infected adults and adolescents who have less that 200 CD4+ T-lymphocytes/µL or a CD4+ T-lymphocyte percent of total lymphocytes less than 14, or who have been diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, invasive cervical cancer, or recurrent pneumonia. The addition of pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia, and invasive cervical cancer in HIV-infected adults and adolescents to the 23 clinical conditions listed in the 1987 surveillance definition reflects their documented or potential importance in the HIV epidemic.

While the reported incidence of AIDS increased only 3 to 4 percent as a result of the 1985 revision, the 1987 revision greatly increased the numbers of reported cases. Roughly one fourth of all adults/adolescents who were both diagnosed and reported in the year following the 1987 revision were reported based only on the additional criteria included in the 1987 revision. Furthermore, the proportion of cases meeting only the revised criteria was higher in Hispanics and non-Hispanic blacks than in non-Hispanic whites, higher in heterosexual injecting drug users, and lower in men who have sex with men. The 1993 revision has had substantial impact on the number of reported cases. The immediate increase in case reporting was largely attributed to the addition of severe immunosuppression to the definition; a smaller impact was due to the addition of pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia, and invasive cervical cancer, since many persons with these diseases also have a CD4+ T-lymphocyte count of less than 200 cells/µL. The early effects of expanded surveillance were greater than long-term effects because prevalent as well as incident cases of immunosuppression were reported after implementation of the expanded surveillance case definition. In recent years, the effect on the number of reported cases has been smaller. Due to the large number of cases reported based on criteria in only the revised case definitions and to the inconsistent use of the revised case definitions in different populations, analyses of trends in AIDS cases must take these revisions into account.

Case report form

Separate case report forms are used for pediatric patients (patients less than 13 years of age at the time of diagnosis) and adult/adolescent patients (patients 13 years of age or older at the time of diagnosis). Although the forms are similar, the pediatric form includes behavioral risk information on the child's mother. These forms are completed by the health care provider or by the AIDS surveillance staff in the local or state health department. In addition, a laboratory report of an AIDS-defining condition sent to health departments may initiate a case report. In these cases, follow-up with the health care provider is required to obtain complete information.

Names are retained by the state or local health department and are converted to an alpha-numeric code called “soundex” for use by CDC. CDC does not receive names of persons with AIDS. Because more than one state may report an individual case, CDC screens reported cases by soundex code, date of birth, sex, and state of residence to cull presumed duplicate reports. States also cooperate in this process by reporting out-of-jurisdiction cases to the patient's state of residence.

The variables available on the AIDS data set are listed in the next section. However, a few deserve special comment.

  • Vital status. Patients survive for a variable amount of time following the diagnosis of AIDS. Because death usually occurs after the initial report to CDC, case reports may not be updated to reflect the change in vital status. As a result, reporting of deaths among AIDS patients may be delayed or incomplete. However, states are required to perform periodic reviews of death certificates and state death registries to identify unreported cases, and to update vital status of known cases. In addition, 16 states participated in a special project to match their case registries to the National Death Index to assess the completeness of reporting and to identify deaths among cases that died out-of-jurisdiction.

  • Exposure category. Some patients may have more than one mode of exposure to HIV. For surveillance purposes, AIDS cases are counted only once in a hierarchy of exposure categories. Persons with more than one reported mode of exposure are listed in the category that appears first in the exposure hierarchy, except for men with both a history of sexual contact with other men and injecting drug use. They make up a separate exposure category.

  • AIDS definition category. Patients may develop additional conditions indicative of AIDS after their initial AIDS diagnosis. The case report form may not be updated to reflect additional conditions. Some persons reported as meeting only the immunologic criteria may have concurrent or prior opportunistic infections or conditions that are not included in the case report. Therefore, cases reported as meeting only the criteria added to the case definition in 1993 may include persons who meet the criteria in 1987 definition.

  • Date of diagnosis. CDC collects dates of diagnosis for each AIDS-indicator disease, and, for patients with severe immunosuppression, the date of the CD4+ T-lymphocyte test. From this information, a single date of diagnosis is calculated for each patient; it is the earliest of these dates.

Delay in Reporting

The timeliness of AIDS case reporting to CDC is dependent on a number of factors, including the volume of cases reported from a state or locality, the cooperation of health care providers and medical institutions, the availability of staff to complete case report forms, and changes in the case definition. In many instances initial case reports are incomplete and require additional follow-up by state and local health department staff, including reviews of other record systems and contact with health care providers.

Based on estimates calculated using AIDS surveillance data reported between 1995 and 2000, about 50 percent of all cases were reported to CDC within 4 months of the date of diagnosis, but about 20 percent were reported more than 1 year after diagnosis. Delays vary widely among geographic, age, exposure, sex, and racial/ethnic categories. They are substantially longer for pediatric cases and shorter for AIDS cases previously reported with HIV infection, for example. Due to the reporting delay, the number of cases diagnosed during any period often exceeds the number reported during that period. This is particularly important in examining trends over time, since many cases in recent periods of time will not yet be reported.

To account for delays in the reporting of cases, the variable adjwgt is included in the data set. This variable may be used to weight each case on the data set and obtain adjusted case counts. For example, summing adjwgt for cases would estimate the number of cases diagnosed through the time period covered by the data set that will eventually be reported to CDC. To use this variable, select the adjustment weight option from the Tools menu. Once you turn the option on, all subsequent tabulations will be adjusted for reporting delay. The adjustment weight and resulting tabulations are not reliable for cases diagnosed during the most recent 6 to 9 months.

Effect of CD4 Reporting on AIDS Case Trends

As a result of the case definition change in 1993, trends in AIDS case counts showed an artifactual peak early in 1993, even after adjustment for reporting delay. To examine trends over time using
a constant case definition, i.e., diagnoses of opportunistic illnesses that were included in the 1987 or the 1993 case definition, CDC developed methods that estimated incidence of 1987 or 1993 definition opportunistic infections for cases that met only the 1993 immunologic (CD4+) criteria. These estimates showed that the number of diagnoses of AIDS-defining opportunistic infections increased during 1992 and 1993 by approximately 2 percent and 3 percent, respectively (see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, November 18, 1994). The temporary distortion of the AIDS incidence curve caused by the 1993 expansion of the AIDS case definition had almost entirely waned by 1996.

Effect of Therapy on AIDS Incidence

Continuing the pattern first observed from 1995 to 1996, AIDS incidence decreased again from 1996 to 1997 and from 1997 to 1998. These decreases are mostly due to the effect of therapies for HIV infection and AIDS, which have altered the natural history of HIV infection and slowed progression to AIDS. AIDS incidence increasingly represents persons who were not diagnosed with HIV infection until they developed AIDS, persons who did not access treatment, or persons for whom treatment failed. Caution should be used when interpreting trends in AIDS incidence; the contribution of these effects to the AIDS incidence curve is currently being evaluated. See Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, September 19, 1997 and April 24, 1998.

Early Reporting Dates

Before 1990, CDC occasionally received reports on patients before they met the CDC AIDS case definition. If such patients were later diagnosed with AIDS, the diagnosis date on their record (when they first met the CDC definition) would be after the report date (when CDC first received information about the patient). Such records should be excluded from certain analyses, such as survival analysis and analysis of reporting delay. CDC's AIDS surveillance data base no longer receives reports on patients who do not meet the AIDS case definition.

Follow-up of Reported AIDS Cases

AIDS case records maintained at CDC contain all information reported to date from state and local health departments. As patients progress through their illness, additional conditions may be reported, or the patient's vital status may change. However, not all health departments have the resources to routinely follow-up patients for additional information. For this reason and because many patients move out of the reporting health department's jurisdiction, CDC records do not always contain all current information for each patient.

AIDS cases reports that do not include mode of HIV exposure information are routinely followed up by state and local health departments. As of December 1999, excluding cases which were not yet investigated, mode of exposure information has been identified for 78 percent of cases. Twenty-one percent of cases were closed with incomplete information because the patient died, declined interview, or was lost to follow-up; 1 percent of cases remained without a reported risk for HIV infection after complete investigation (see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, 1999;11 (no.2): 27). The demographic profile of persons who remain without risk information is more similar to that of other persons reported with AIDS than with the general U.S. population.

Evaluation of AIDS Surveillance

Cases of AIDS may not be reported to CDC for a variety of reasons. The diagnostic tests needed to confirm the diagnosis of certain AIDS-indicator conditions may not be performed, or physicians and hospital personnel may fail to report cases to the health department. Further, some patients with HIV disease may be ill or die from diseases or conditions not included in the current AIDS surveillance definition or from causes unrelated to their HIV infection.

Both CDC and state and local health departments have commissioned a variety of studies to evaluate the completeness of AIDS surveillance. Most evaluation projects have used alternate data resources if they are independent of routine case finding, such as death certificates, hospital discharge records, and laboratory records. Individual records from these alternate sources have then been matched against records in AIDS surveillance data bases. If an alternative source is found to be a productive source of case reports, it may be added to routine case finding methods. Evaluation projects have varied in size and scope (e.g., varying numbers of ICD-9 codes from death certificates or computerized discharge records), geographic area covered, detection of both inpatient and outpatient cases, and time frames. In general, evaluation studies suggest that reporting of AIDS cases is fairly complete; but, depending on the setting and evaluation method used, the level of reporting completeness may vary. High prevalence areas for AIDS appear to have more complete reporting than low prevalence areas. Following implementation of active case finding under the 1987 case definition, with funding support from CDC, completeness of case reporting increased in most areas and was estimated to be more than 85 percent complete (see Journal of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, 1992;5:257-64 and American Journal of Public Health 1992;82:1495-99).


Public health surveillance represents an ongoing and regular collection, analysis, interpretation, and application of health data for disease prevention and control. AIDS surveillance, like other national surveillance efforts, depends on health care providers and the state and local health departments and, thus, requires a balance between information needs versus practical limitations. AIDS surveillance in the United States represents an unprecedented public health enterprise and has achieved an unusually high degree of completeness. In addition, surveillance has changed as understanding of AIDS and HIV infection have grown. Users of the public information data set should be familiar with the characteristics of public health surveillance in general as well as with the evolution of AIDS surveillance.

Data File Variables and Coding Schemes

The rectangular data file included in the AIDS Public Information Data Set contains one line of data for each AIDS case reported to CDC. Each line contains 35 columns. The columns contain 16 variables extracted from CDC's national AIDS data set.

Column Variable Description
1 age Age group at diagnosis of the first AIDS-indicator opportunistic condition
2 sexclass Sexual classification of patient
3 race Race of patient
4 categ Indicates which of the CDC AIDS case revisions the patient meets
5-10 dxdate Month of diagnosis of first AIDS-indicator opportunistic condition
11-16 repdate Date when CDC first received information about the case
17 death Vital status of patient
18-19 exposure Mode of exposure to HIV
20 multrisk Indicates if patient had more than one risk of exposure to HIV
21 birth Country of birth
22 sexbi Sex with a bisexual man (women only)
23 sexiv Sex with an injecting drug user
24 sexother Sex with a person with hemophilia or with a transfusion recipient
25 sexhiv Sex with a person known to be infected with HIV or to have AIDS,
but whose mode of exposure is unknown
26-31 adjwgt Reporting delay adjustment weight
32-35 msa Region of residence at diagnosis of AIDS

Each of these variables is coded alpha-numerically. The codes used in the AIDS Public Information Data Set are described below.

Age (column 1)

This variable contains the patient's age when he or she was first diagnosed with an AIDS-indicator disease.

0 = Less than 1 year old
1 = 1 to 12 years old
2 = 13 to 19 years old
3 = 20 to 24 years old
4 = 25 to 29 years old
5 = 30 to 34 years old
6 = 35 to 39 years old
      or age is missing
7 = 40 to 44 years old
8 = 45 to 49 years old
9 = 50 to 54 years old
A= 55 to 59 years old
B = 60 to 64 years old
C = 65 years old or older

Sexclass (column 2)

Adult/adolescent males are classified according to their sexual orientation.

1 = Adult/adolescent male who has sex only with other men or sex is missing,
      or sexual orientation is missing
2 = Adult/adolescent male who has sex with both men and women
3 = Adult/adolescent heterosexual male or pediatric male
4 = Female (both adult/adolescent and pediatric)

Race (column 3)

1 = White (not Hispanic)
2 = Black (not Hispanic)
3 = Hispanic
4 = Asian/Pacific Islander
5 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
9 = Unknown

Categ (column 4)

This variable reflects changes made over time to the CDC surveillance definition for AIDS. Only cases meeting the current (1993) surveillance definition are included in this data set. Categ indicates whether the patient also met the pre-1985, 1985, or 1987 surveillance definition, and whether the diagnosis, if it meets the 1987 or 1993 definition, was definitive or presumptive. Cases that meet more than one of these surveillance definitions are classified into the category listed first. For more information about the 1993 definition, see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, December 18, 1992, Recommendations and Reports.

1 = Case meets the pre-1985 surveillance definition
2 = Case meets the 1985 surveillance definition
3 = Case meets the 1987 surveillance definition and was diagnosed definitively
4 = Case meets the 1987 surveillance definition and was diagnosed presumptively
5 = Case meets the 1993 surveillance definition: pulmonary tuberculosis, recurrent pneumonia,
      and/or cervical cancer (definitive diagnosis)
6 = Case meets the 1993 surveillance definition: pulmonary tuberculosis and/or recurrent
      pneumonia (presumptive diagnosis)
7 = Case meets the 1993 surveillance definition, severe HIV-related immunosuppression

Dxdate (columns 5 through 10)

This variable contains the year and month in which the first AIDS-indicator condition was diagnosed. Columns 5 through 8 contain the year; columns 9 and 10 contain the month. Cases diagnosed before 1982 are coded as “198199.” Cases whose month of diagnosis is unknown are coded as “99” in the month portion of this variable.

Repdate (columns 11 through 16)

This variable contains the year and month in which CDC received the case report. Columns 11 through 14 contain the year; columns 15 and 16 contain the month. Cases reported during 1981 are coded as “198199.”

Death (column 17)

0 = CDC has not received a death notification for this case
1 = CDC has been notified that this patient died

Patients diagnosed during the 2 most recent years are coded as “0” regardless of the patient's vital status. AIDS prevalence rates calculated for the most recent two-year period should be interpreted with caution. The rates calculated will be artificially high because all persons diagnosed in this period are coded with a vital status of “0” (alive), even if a death has been reported to CDC for that person. This is to prevent inadvertent indirect identification of any record by linking a death date inferred from this data set to other publicly available data sets which contain death dates on individuals. For more information on trends in AIDS, see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, September 19, 1997 and April 24, 1998.

Exposure (columns 18 and 19)

For surveillance purposes, AIDS cases are counted only once in a hierarchy of exposure categories. Persons with more than one reported mode of exposure to HIV are classified in the exposure category listed first in the hierarchy, except for men with both a history of sexual contact with other
men and injecting drug use. They make up a separate exposure category. Persons with multiple reported modes of exposure are indicated in the variable multrisk.

“Men who have sex with men” cases include men who report sexual contact with other men (i.e., homosexual contact) and men who report sexual contact with both men and women (i.e., bisexual contact). “Heterosexual contact” cases are in persons who report specific heterosexual contact with a person with, or at increased risk for, HIV infection (e.g., an injecting drug user).

Adults/adolescents born, or who had sex with someone born, in a country where heterosexual transmission was believed to be the predominant mode of HIV transmission (formerly classified as Pattern-II countries by the World Health Organization) are no longer classified as having heterosexually acquired AIDS. Similar to case reports for other persons who are reported without behavioral or transfusion risks for HIV, these reports are now classified (in the absence of other risk information which would classify them into another exposure category) as “no risk reported or identified” (see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, March 11, 1994). Children whose mother was born, or whose mother had sex with someone born, in a Pattern-II country are now classified (in the absence of other risk information which would classify them into another exposure category) as “Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: has HIV infection, risk not specified.”

“Risk not reported or identified” cases are in persons with no reported history of exposure to HIV through any of the routes listed in the hierarchy of exposure categories. Risk not reported or identified cases include persons who are currently under investigation by local health department officials; persons whose exposure history is incomplete because they died, declined to be interviewed, or were lost to follow-up; and persons who were interviewed or for whom other follow-up information was available and no exposure mode was identified. Persons who have an exposure mode identified at the time of follow-up are reclassified into the appropriate exposure category.

Adult/adolescent exposure categories

1 = Men who have sex with men
2 = Injecting drug use
3 = Men who have sex with men and inject drugs
4 = Hemophilia/coagulation disorder
5 = Heterosexual contact with a person with, or at increases risk for, HIV infection
7 = Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue
8 = Risk not reported or identified

Pediatric exposure categories

9 = Hemophilia/coagulation disorder
10 = Mother with, or at risk for, HIV infection
11 = Receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue
12 = Risk not reported or identified

Multrisk (column 20)

Multrisk is coded only for adult/adolescent patients (13 years old or older) and indicates if the patient has risk(s) of exposure to HIV other than the one indicated by exposure.

0 = Patient's only mode of exposure to HIV is that indicated by exposure
1 = Patient has additional risk(s) of exposure
2 = Patient's mode of exposure is not reported or identified

Birth (column 21)

1 = Patient was born in the United States or its dependencies and possessions,
      or place of birth was not specified
2 = Patient was born outside the United States

Heterosexual risk information (columns 22 through 25)

These variables (sexbi, sexiv, sexother, and sexhiv) contain additional exposure information for patients infected heterosexually. All 4 variables are coded as follows:

0 = no
1 = yes
9 = missing/unknown

The variable sexbi is coded only for women (for men, the variable contains a blank). All 4 variables contain “9” (missing/unknown) for patients with hemophilia, regardless of whether the exposure information is in fact unknown. This restriction is necessary in order to comply with the Assurance of Confidentiality on page 5. Of the 4,596 AIDS cases reported through December 1995 among adults/adolescents with hemophilia, less than 4 percent also reported heterosexual contact with a person at increased risk for AIDS or HIV infection.

Adjwgt (columns 26 through 31)

This variable contains an adjustment weight which, when used as a weighting variable in a frequency tabulation, produces tabulations of AIDS cases that are adjusted for delays in case reporting (see page 11 for a discussion of delays in reporting). The weights are based on estimated reporting delay distributions that take into account exposure, geographic, and demographic variations in case reporting. The adjustment weights and the resulting tabulations are not reliable for cases diagnosed during the most recent 6 months. The Tools menu contains an adjusted weight option. If you select this option, all subsequent tabulations you request will be weighted accordingly.

MSA (columns 32 through 35)

Metropolitan area of residence at diagnosis of AIDS is identified for adult/adolescent patients residing in MSAs with 500,000 or more population, according to the latest available official U.S. Bureau of Census estimates. Each MSA is identified by a 4-digit code listed in Appendix B. For adult/adolescent patients residing in an MSA with less than 500,000 population, in a non-metropolitan area, or whose metropolitan area of residence is unknown, and for all pediatric patients, region of residence is identified. The regional codes are:

1 = Northeast: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
      New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont
2 = Midwest: Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
      North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
3 = South: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia,
      Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South
      Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia
4 = West: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, New
      Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming
5 = U.S. dependencies, possessions, and independent nations in free association
      with the United States: Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the U.S.
      Pacific Islands listed on page 8.


State, MSA, and County Tables

In addition to the rectangular data file discussed in section 2, the AIDS Public Information Data Set contains tabular data by state, metropolitan area, and county or health district. These tables consist of frequency tables and 2-way cross tabulations of 8 variables extracted from CDC's national AIDS surveillance data set. For counties or health districts, the data set contains only 1-way tables of 3 variables age, race/ethnicity, and sex). The data set contains one set of tables for the entire United States, one set for each state and for the District of Columbia, one set for each MSA, and one set for each county or health district. All MSAs with 500,00 or more population are included in the data set. Selected MSAs with populations between 100,000 and 500,000, and selected counties or health districts are included in the data set, based on the data release policies of the individual states.

Data from MSAs with populations between 100,000 and 500,000 are included from Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Data from individual counties are included from Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington.

Data from health districts are included from Florida, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

See Appendix B for a list of MSAs. See Appendix C for a list of counties which comprise each health district.

The variables included in the state and MSA tables are:

Variable Description
age Age group at diagnosis of the first AIDS-indicator condition
categ Indicates which of the CDC AIDS case revisions the patient meets
dth_hyr Half-year of death for patients reported dead
dx_hyr Half-year of diagnosis of first AIDS-indicator condition
ent_hyr Half-year in which CDC first received information about the case
exposure Mode of exposure to HIV
race/ethnicity Race/ethnicity of patient
sex Sex of patient

For counties and health districts, 1-way tables are available for the variables age, race/ethnicity, and sex. The values used for the variables are printed below.


This variable contains the patient's age when he or she was first diagnosed with an AIDS-indicator condition. Ages printed in the documentation file are grouped as follows:

0 - 1
1 - 12
13 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 +


This variable reflects revisions made to the CDC surveillance definition for AIDS. Only cases meeting the current (1993) surveillance definition are included in the data set. Categ indicates whether the patient also meets the pre-1985, 1985, or 1987 surveillance definition, and whether the diagnosis, if it meets the 1987 or 1993 definition, was definitive or presumptive. Cases that meet more than one of these surveillance definitions are classified into the definition category listed first. For more information about the 1993 definition, see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Recommendations and Reports, December 18, 1992.

1 = Case meets the pre-1985 surveillance definition
2 = Case meets the 1985 surveillance definition
3 = Case meets the 1987 surveillance definition and was diagnosed definitively
4 = Case meets the 1987 surveillance definition and was diagnosed presumptively
5 = Case meets the 1993 surveillance definition: pulmonary tuberculosis,
      recurrent pneumonia, and/or cervical cancer (definitive diagnosis)
6 = Case meets the 1993 surveillance definition: pulmonary tuberculosis and/or
      recurrent pneumonia (presumptive diagnosis)
7 = Cases meets the 1993 surveillance definition: severe HIV-related immunosuppression


For patients whose death has been reported to CDC, this variable contains the half-year of death. The first four numbers indicate the year; the last two indicate the first or second half of that year. For example, the value “198802" indicates that the patient died in the second half of 1988. Patients whose death has been reported to CDC, but whose date of death is unknown are coded as “999999".


This variable contains the half-year in which the first AIDS-indicator condition was diagnosed. The first four numbers indicate the year; the last two indicate the first or second half of that year.


This variable contains the half-year in which CDC received the case report. The first four numbers indicate the year; the last two indicate the first or second half of that year.


For surveillance purposes, AIDS cases are counted only once in a hierarchy of exposure categories. Persons with more than one reported mode of exposure to HIV are classified in the exposure category listed first in the hierarchy, except for men with both a history of sexual contact with other men and injecting drug use. They make up a separate exposure category.

“Men who have sex with men” cases include men who report sexual contact with other men (i.e., homosexual contact) and men who report sexual contact with both men and women (i.e., bisexual contact). “Heterosexual contact” cases are in persons who report specific heterosexual contact with a person with, or at increased risk for, HIV infection (e.g., an injecting drug user).

Adults/adolescents born, or who had sex with someone born, in a country where heterosexual transmission was believed to be the predominant mode of HIV transmission (formerly classified as Pattern-II countries by the World Health Organization) are no longer classified as having heterosexually acquired AIDS. Similar to case reports for other persons who are reported without behavioral or transfusion risks for HIV, these reports are now classified (in the absence of other risk information which would classify them into another exposure category) as “no risk reported or identified” (see Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, March 11, 1994). Children whose mother was born, or whose mother had sex with someone born, in a Pattern-II country are now classified (in the absence of other risk information which would classify them into another exposure category) as “Mother with/at risk for HIV infection: has HIV infection, risk not specified.”

“Risk not reported or identified” cases are in persons with no reported history of exposure to HIV through any of the routes listed in the hierarchy of exposure categories. Risk not reported or identified cases include persons who are currently under investigation by local health department officials; persons whose exposure history is incomplete because they died, declined to be interviewed, or were lost to follow-up; and persons who were interviewed or for whom other follow-up information was available and no exposure mode was identified. Persons who have an exposure mode identified at the time of follow-up are reclassified into the appropriate exposure category.

01 = Men who have sex with men
02 = Injecting drug use
03 = Men who have sex with men and inject drugs
04 = Adult/adolescent hemophilia/coagulation disorder
05 = Heterosexual contact with a person with, or at increased risk for, HIV infection
07 = Adult/adolescent receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue
08 = Adult/adolescent risk not reported or identified
09 = Pediatric hemophilia/coagulation disorder
10 = Mother with, or at risk for, HIV infection
11 = Pediatric receipt of blood transfusion, blood components, or tissue
12 = Pediatric risk not reported or identified


1 = White (not Hispanic)
2 = Black (not Hispanic)
3 = Hispanic
4 = Asian/Pacific Islander
5 = American Indian/Alaskan Native
9 = Unknown


1 = Male
2 = Female

Small Cell Restriction

In accordance with CDC guidelines on protecting confidentiality and with an agreement made with state and local health departments for release of these data, entries whose value is 3 or less are not included in the tables. In addition, the AIDS Public Information Data Set software allows you to combine data from more than one state, MSA, or county/health district in either separate or aggregate form. If you select the aggregate option, each count may be off by an amount equal to 3 times the number of states/MSAs/counties aggregated. For example, if you select data from California, Washington State, and Oregon, each count may be off by as many as 9 cases (3 times the number of states, in this case 3).


Appendix A: Installation

In 1997, The AIDS Public Information Data Set was rewritten to be fully Windows compatible. While much of the original program design remained unchanged, many features were added, cursor and mouse controls were enhanced, and the installation procedure changed to reflect Windows conventions. Changes to the software are more fully described in the on-line help screens. The December 2001 edition contains the changes made in 1997. As with previous releases, the software allows you to display simple statistics without additional software such SAS, SPSS, BMDP, or PRODAS. More complex analyses, however, require statistical software.

To transfer the data to another software package for analysis, you may wish to download only the ASCII version. You may also load the software and use the export option (under File) to extract the records and variables you wish to analyze. The export option will create an ASCII data file, which can then be processed by other software.

Loading the Software

The AIDS Public Information Data Set is available on CD, as part of the CDC HIV/AIDS Information Guide, or can be downloaded from CDC’s web site. Installation instructions vary, depending on the medium you are using.

Minimum requirements for installation are:

*   Windows 95 or greater
*   80486 CPU
*   420 K of free RAM
*   50Mb of free disk space

To install the software from CDC’s web site

1) Download the self-extracting file (APIDS01.EXE) to desired directory (i.e., C:\AIDSPIDS).

2) Click on Start and Run. Using the Browse feature, locate and run APIDS01.EXE.

You may change the drive and directory to which the AIDS Public Information Data Set will be extracted.

If you want to be able to run the program from the Start Menu, be sure "Create program group(s): AIDS Public Information Data Set" is checked.

3) Click on Extract.

4) After the program has been extracted, double click on the AIDS Public Information Data Set icon to run it. The first time you run it, it will perform a setup/indexing process that will take up to a few minutes to complete.

5) In order to save disk space, the file APIDS01.EXE can be deleted.

To load the software from the CD, insert the disk into the reader. The software will automatically display the initial screen for the CDC HIV/AIDS Information Guide. To access the AIDS Public Information Data Set, first select menu item 7, “Software.” Then select AIDS Public Information Data Set. Finally, select “Download APIDS01.EXE”.  This selection will initiate the software installation procedure described above. Simply proceed with steps 1 through 5, above.

Getting Help

The AIDS Public Information Data Set uses standard Windows interfaces, and can be mastered with minimum effort. On-line help screens describe how to use the program to display information. You can access help by pressing the <F1> key, by clicking the right (secondary) mouse button, or by selecting the Help menu. The information displayed will vary depending upon the last option you accessed. If you need additional information, contact the Statistics and Data Management Branch, Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, telephone (404) 639-2020.

Displaying the Menus

Once you complete the installation procedure and run the program, you will see a screen with four options displayed on the upper-left corner: File, Tools, Window, and Help. Select File to display data from either the main data file or from the state, MSA, or county tables. A second screen will display so that you may select the variables you wish to tabulate. Select Tools to create indexes or set various options that control the display of data. Select Window to scroll through the tables you have created. Select Help to see further information on how to use this program.

Cursor Control

Cursor control uses a standard Windows interface. Select variables by double-clicking the left (primary) mouse button or the Enter key. An asterisk will display next to the fields you have selected. Menus and other options can also be selected by pressing the <Alt> key and typing the highlighted letter of that option.


Appendix B: Metropolitan Statistical Areas

Definitions for MSAs are issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to be used in presentation of statistics by agencies of the federal government. The metropolitan areas used on the AIDS Public Information Data Set are the MSAs for all areas except the 6 New England states. For these states, the New England County Metropolitan Areas (NECMA, also defined by OMB) are used. Metropolitan areas are named for a central city in the MSA or NECMA and may include several counties and cross state boundaries.

The AIDS Public Information Data Set contains data from all MSAs with 500,000 or more population, and from MSAs with 100,000 to 500,000 population from Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Deleware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Code Metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more population

80        Akron, Ohio
160      Albany-Schenectady, N.Y.
200      Albuquerque, N.Mex.
240      Allentown, Pa.
440      Ann Arbor, Mich.
520      Atlanta, Ga.
640      Austin, Tex.
680      Bakersfield, Calif.
720      Baltimore, Md.
760      Baton Rouge, La.
875      Bergen-Passaic, N.J.
1000    Birmingham, Ala.
1123    Boston, Mass.
1280    Buffalo, N.Y.
1520    Charlotte, N.C.
1600    Chicago, Ill.
1640    Cincinnati, Ohio
1680    Cleveland, Ohio
1720    Colorado Springs, Colo.
1840    Columbus, Ohio
1920    Dallas, Tex.
2000    Dayton, Ohio
2020    Daytona Beach, Fla.

Code Metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more population

2080    Denver, Colo.
2160    Detroit, Mich.
2320    El Paso, Tex.
2680    Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
2760    Fort Wayne, Ind.
2800    Fort Worth, Tex.
2840    Fresno, Calif.
2960    Gary, Ind.
3000    Grand Rapids, Mich.
3120    Greensboro, N.C.
3160    Greenville, S.C.
3240    Harrisburg, Pa.
3283    Hartford, Conn.
3320    Honolulu, Hawaii
3360    Houston, Tex.
3480    Indianapolis, Ind.
3600    Jacksonville, Fla.
3640    Jersey City, N.J.
3760    Kansas City, Mo.
3840    Knoxville, Tenn.
4120    Las Vegas, Nev.
4400    Little Rock, Ark.
4480    Los Angeles, Calif.
4520    Louisville, Ky.
4880    McAllen, Tex.
4920    Memphis, Tenn.
5000    Miami, Fla.
5015    Middlesex, N.J.
5080    Milwaukee, Wis.
5120    Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minn.
5160    Mobile, Ala.
5190    Monmouth-Ocean City, N.J.
5360    Nashville, Tenn.
5380    Nassau-Suffolk, N.Y.
5483    New Haven, Conn.
5560    New Orleans, La.
5600    New York, N.Y.
5640    Newark, N.J.
5720    Norfolk, Va.
5775    Oakland, Calif.
5880    Oklahoma City, Okla.

Code Metropolitan areas with 500,000 or more population

5920    Omaha, Nebr.
5945    Orange County, Calif.
5960    Orlando, Fla.
6160    Philadelphia, Pa.
6200    Phoenix, Ariz.
6280    Pittsburgh, Pa.
6440    Portland, Oreg.
6483    Providence, R.I.
6640    Raleigh-Durham, N.C.
6760    Richmond, Va.
6780    Riverside-San Bernardino, Calif.
6840    Rochester, N.Y.
6920    Sacramento, Calif.
7040    Saint Louis, Mo.
7160    Salt Lake City, Utah
7240    San Antonio, Tex.
7320    San Diego, Calif.
7360    San Francisco, Calif.
7400    San Jose, Calif.
7440    San Juan, P.R.
7510    Sarasota, Fla.
7560    Scranton, Pa.
7600    Seattle, Wash.
8003    Springfield, Mass.
8120    Stockton, Calif.
8160    Syracuse, N.Y.
8200    Tacoma, Wash.
8280    Tampa-Saint Petersburg, Fla.
8400    Toledo, Ohio
8520    Tucson, Ariz.
8560    Tulsa, Okla.
8735    Ventura, Calif.
8840    Washington, D.C.
8960    West Palm Beach, Fla.
9040    Wichita, Kans.
9160    Wilmington, Del.
9243    Worcester, Mass.
9320    Youngstown, Ohio

Code Metropolitan areas with 100,000 to 500,000 population

40        Abilene, Tex.
120      Albany, Ga.
220      Alexandria, La.
280      Altoona, Pa.
320      Amarillo, Tex.
480      Asheville, N.C.
500      Athens, Ga.
560      Atlantic-Cape May, N.J.
600      Augusta, Ga.
733      Bangor, Maine
840      Beaumont, Tex.
860      Bellingham, Wash.
870      Benton Harbor, Mich
880      Billings, Mont.
920      Biloxi, Miss.
1020    Bloomington, Ind.
1040    Bloomington, Ill.
1080    Boise, Idaho
1125    Boulder, Colo.
1145    Brazoria, Tex.
1150    Bremerton, Wash.
1240    Brownsville, Tex.
1260    Bryan, Tex.
1320    Canton, Ohio
1360    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
1400    Champaign-Urbana, Ill.
1440    Charleston, S.C.
1480    Charleston, W.Va.
1540    Charlottesville, Va.
1560    Chattanooga, Tenn.
1660    Clarksville, Tenn.
1740    Columbia, Mo.
1760    Columbia, S.C.
1800    Columbus, Ga.
1880    Corpus Christi, Tex.
1900    Cumberland, Md.
1950    Danville, Va.
1960    Davenport, Iowa
2040    Decatur, Ill.
2120    Des Moine, Iowa
2190    Dover, Del.

Code Metropolitan areas with 100,000 to 500,000 population

2240    Duluth, Minn.
2330    Elkhart, Ind.
2360    Erie, Penn.
2400    Eugene, Oreg.
2440    Evansville, Ind.
2520    Fargo, N.D.
2560    Fayetteville, N.C.
2580    Fayetteville, Ark.
2640    Flint, Mich.
2655    Florence, S.C.
2670    Fort Collins, Colo.
2700    Fort Myers, Fla.
2710    Fort Pierce, Fla.
2720    Fort Smith, Ark.
2750    Fort Walton Beach, Fla.
2900    Gainesville, Fla.
2920    Galveston, Tex.
2980    Goldsboro, N.C.
2995    Grand Junction, Colo.
3060    Greeley, Colo.
3150    Greenville, N.C.
3180    Hagerstown, Md.
3200    Hamilton, Ohio
3285    Hattiesburg, Miss.
3290    Hickory, N.C.
3350    Houma, La.
3400    Huntington, W.Va.
3500    Iowa City, Iowa
3520    Jackson, Mich.
3560    Jackson, Miss.
3580    Jackson, Tenn.
3605    Jacksonville, N.C.
3660    Johnson City, Tenn.
3680    Johnstown, Pa.
3710    Joplin, Mo.
3720    Kalamazoo, Mich.
3740    Kankakee, Ill.
3810    Killeen, Tex.
3850    Kokomo, Ind.
3880    Lafayette, La.

Code Metropolitan areas with 100,000 to 500,000 population

3920    Lafayette, Ind.
3960    Lake Charles, La.
3980    Lakeland, Fla.
4000    Lancaster, Pa.
4040    Lansing, Mich.
4080    Laredo, Tex.
4100    Las Cruces, N.Mex.
4200    Lawton, Okla.
4243    Lewiston, Maine
4280    Lexington, Ky.
4320    Lima, Ohio
4360    Lincoln, Nebr.
4420    Longview, Tex.
4600    Lubbock, Tex.
4640    Lynchburg, Va.
4680    Macon, Ga.
4800    Mansfield, Ohio
4890    Medford, Oreg.
4900    Melbourne, Fla.
5200    Monroe, La.
5280    Muncie, Ind.
5330    Myrtle Beach, S.C.
5345    Naples, Fla.
5523    New London, Conn.
5660    Newburgh, N.Y.
5790    Ocala, Fla.
5800    Odessa, Tex.
5910    Olympia, Wash.
6015    Panama City, Fla.
6020    Parkersburg, W.Va.
6080    Pensacola, Fla.
6120    Peoria, Ill.
6403    Portland, Maine
6560    Pueblo, Colo.
6580    Punta Gorda, Fla.
6680    Reading, Pa.
6720    Reno, Nev.
6740    Richland, Wash.
6800    Roanoke, Va.
6820    Rochester, Minn.

Code Metropolitan areas with 100,000 to 500,000 population

6880    Rockford, Ill.
6895    Rocky Mount, N.C.
6960    Saginaw, Mich.
6980    Saint Cloud, Minn.
7080    Salem, Oreg.
7200    San Angelo, Tex.
7490    Santa Fe, N.Mex.
7520    Savannah, Ga.
7610    Sharon, Pa.
7640    Sherman, Tex.
7680    Shreveport, La.
7720    Sioux City, Iowa
7800    South Bend, Ind.
7840    Spokane, Wash.
7880    Springfield, Ill.
7920    Springfield, Mo.
8050    State College, Pa.
8080    Steubenville, Ohio
8140    Sumter, S.C.
8240    Tallahassee, Fla.
8320    Terre Haute, Ind.
8360    Texarkana, Tex.
8440    Topeka, Kans.
8480    Trenton, N.J.
8640    Tyler, Tex.
8720    Vallejo, Calif.
8760    Vineland, N.J.
8800    Waco, Tex.
8920    Waterloo, Iowa
9000    Wheeling, W.Va.
9080    Wichita Falls, Tex.
9140    Williamsport, Pa.
9200    Wilmington, N.C.
9260    Yakima, Wash.
9280    York, Pa.


Appendix C: Health Districts

Listed below are the counties which comprise each health district included in the data set. The county name is preceded by its Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code (see Worldwide Geographic Location Codes, available from the General Services Administration, telephone 202-219-0077).



Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
33 Escambia 5 Bay 1 Alachua
91 Okalossa 13 Calhoun 7 Bradford
113 Santa Rosa 37 Franklin 23 Columbia
131 Walton 39 Gadsden 29 Dixie
    45 Gulf 41 Gilchrist
    59 Holmes 47 Hamilton
    63 Jackson 67 Lafayette
    65 Jefferson 75 Levy
    73 Leon 107 Putnam
    77 Liberty 121 Suwannee
    79 Madison 125 Union
    123 Taylor    
    129 Wakulla    
    133 Washington    
  Health District 4   Health District 5   Health District 6
3 Baker 101 Pasco 57 Hillsborough
19 Clay 103 Pinellas 81 Manatee
31 Duval        
89 Nassau        
109 Saint Johns        
  Health District 7   Health District 8   Health District 9
9 Brevard 15 Charlotte 99 Palm Beach
95 Orange 21 Collier    
97 Osceola 27 De Soto    
117 Seminole 43 Glades    
    51 Hendry    
    71 Lee    
    115 Sarasota    
  Health District 10   Health District 11   Health District 12
11 Broward 25 Dade 35 Flagler
    87 Monroe 127 Volusia
  Health District 13   Health District 14   Health District 15
17 Citrus 49 Hardee 61 Indian River
53 Hernando 55 Highlands 85 Martin
69 Lake 105 Polk 93 Okeechobee
83 Marion     111 Saint Lucie
119 Sumter        



Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
9 Benewah 35 Clearwater 3 Adams
17 Bonner 49 Idaho 27 Canyon
21 Boundary 57 Latah 45 Gem
55 Kootenai 61 Lewis 73 Owyhee
79 Shoshone 69 Nez Perce 75 Payette
        87 Washington
  Health District 4   Health District 5   Health District 6
1 Ada 13 Blaine 5 Bannock
15 Boise 25 Camas 7 Bear Lake
39 Elmore 31 Cassia 11 Bingham
85 Valley 47 Gooding 23 Butte
    53 Jerome 29 Caribou
    63 Lincoln 41 Fanklin
    67 Minidoka 71 Oneida
    83 Twin Falls 77 Power
  Health District 7        
19 Bonneville        
33 Clark        
37 Custer        
43 Fremont        
51 Jefferson        
59 Lemhi        
65 Madison        
81 Teton        



Health District 1 Health District 4 Health District 8
7 Ballard 99 Hart 23 Bracken
35 Calloway 141 Logan 69 Fleming
39 Carlisle 169 Metcalfe 135 Lewis
75 Fulton 171 Monroe 161 Mason
83 Graves 213 Simpson 201 Robertson
105 Hickman 227 Warren    
145 McCracken        
157 Marshall Health District 5 Health District 9
Health District 2 27 Breckinridge 11 Bath
    85 Grayson 165 Menifee
33 Caldwell 93 Hardin 173 Montgomery
47 Christian 123 Larue 175 Morgan
55 Crittenden 155 Marion 205 Rowan
107 Hopkins 163 Meade    
139 Livingston 179 Nelson Health District 10
143 Lyon 229 Washington    
177 Muhlenberg     19 Boyd
219 Todd Health District 6 43 Carter
221 Trigg     63 Elliott
    29 Bullitt 89 Greenup
Health District 3 103 Henry 127 Lawrence
    111 Jefferson    
59 Daviess 185 Oldham Health District 11
91 Hancock 211 Shelby    
101 Henderson 215 Spencer 71 Floyd
149 McLean 223 Trimble 115 Johnson
183 Ohio     153 Magoffin
225 Union Health District 7 159 Martin
233 Webster     195 Pike
    15 Boone    
Health District 4 37 Campbell Health District 12
    41 Carroll    
3 Allen 77 Gallatin 25 Breathitt
9 Barren 81 Grant 119 Knott
31 Butler 117 Kenton 129 Lee
61 Edmonson 187 Owen 131 Leslie
    191 Pendleton 133 Letcher
        189 Owsley
        193 Perry
        237 Wolfe



Health District 13 Health District 14 Health District 15
13 Bell 1 Adair 5 Anderson
51 Clay 45 Casey 17 Bourbon
95 Harlan 53 Clinton 21 Boyle
109 Jackson 57 Cumberland 49 Clark
121 Knox 87 Green 65 Estill
125 Laurel 147 McCreary 67 Fayette
203 Rockcastle 199 Pulaski 73 Franklin
235 Whitley 207 Russell 79 Garrard
    217 Taylor 97 Harrison
    231 Wayne 113 Jessamine
        137 Lincoln
        151 Madison
        167 Mercer
        181 Nicholas
        197 Powell
        209 Scott
        239 Woodford



Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
27 Coahoma 3 Alcorn 7 Attala
33 De Soto  9 Benton 11 Bolivar
43 Grenada 57 Itawamba 15 Carroll
107 Panola 71 Lafayette 51 Holmes
119 Quitman 81 Lee 53 Humphreys
135 Tallahatchie   93 Marshall 83 Leflore
137 Tate 115 Pontotoc 97 Montgomery
143 Tunica 117 Prentiss 133 Sunflower
161 Yalobusha 139 Tippah 151 Washington
141 Tishomingo
145 Union
Health District 4 Health District 5 Health District 6
13 Calhoun 21 Claiborne 23 Clarke
17 Chickasaw 29 Copiah 61 Jasper
19 Choctaw 49 Hinds 69 Kemper
25 Clay 55 Issaquena 75 Lauderdale
87 Loundes 89 Madison 79 Leake
95 Monroe 121 Rankin 99 Neshoba
103 Noxubee 125 Sharkey 101 Newton
105 Oktibbeha 127 Simpson 123 Scott
155 Webster 149 Warren 129 Smith
159 Winston 163 Yazoo
Health District 7 Health District 8 Health District 9
1 Adams 31 Covington 39 George
5 Amite 35 Forrest 45 Hancock
37 Franklin 41 Greene 47 Harrison
63 Jefferson 65 Jefferson Davis 59 Jackson
77 Lawrence 67 Jones 109 Pearl River
85 Lincoln 73 Lamar 131 Stone
113 Pike 91 Marion
147 Walthall 111 Perry
157 Wilkinson 153 Wayne



Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
11 Carter 5 Blaine 3 Big Horn
17 Custer 13 Cascade 9 Carbon
19 Daniels 15 Chouteau 27 Fergus
21 Dawson 35 Glacier 37 Golden Valley
25 Fallon 41 Hill 45 Judith Basin
33 Garfield 51 Liberty 65 Musselshell
55 McCone 73 Pondera 69 Petroleum
71 Phillips 99 Teton 95 Stillwater
75 Powder River 101 Toole 97 Sweet Grass
79 Prairie 107 Wheatland
83 Richland 111 Yellowstone
85 Roosevelt
87 Rosebud
91 Sheridan
103 Treasure
105 Valley
109 Wibaux
Health District 4 Health District 5 Health District 6
1 Beaverhead 29 Flathead 61 Mineral
7 Broadwater 47 Lake 63 Missoula
23 Deer Lodge 53 Lincoln 81 Ravalli
31 Gallatin 89 Sanders
39 Granite
43 Jefferson
49 Lewis and Clark
57 Madison
59 Meagher
67 Park
77 Powell
93 Silver Bow



Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
3 Antelope 53 Dodge 23 Butler
11 Boone 55 Douglas 35 Cass
15 Boyd 153 Sarpy  59 Fillmore
17 Brown 177 Washington 67 Gage
21 Burt     95 Jefferson
27 Cedar     97 Johnson
31 Cherry     109 Lancaster
37 Colfac     127 Nemaha
39 Cuming     131 Otoe
43 Dakota     133 Pawnee
51 Dixon     143 Polk
89 Holt     147 Richardson
103 Keya Paha     151 Saline
107 Knox     155 Saunders
119 Madison     159 Seward
125 Nance     169 Thayer
139 Pierce     185 York
141 Platte        
149 Rock        
167 Stanton        
173 Thurston        
179 Wayne        
Health District 4 Health District 5 Health District 6
1 Adams 5 Arther 7 Banner
9 Blaine 29 Chase 13 Box Butte
19 Buffalo 47 Dawson 33 Cheyenne
35 Clay 57 Dundy 45 Dawes
41 Custer 63 Frontier 49 Deuel
61 Franklin 65 Furnas 69 Garden
71 Garfield 73 Gosper 105 Kimball
77 Greeley 75 Grant 123 Morrill
79 Hall 85 Hayes 137 Scotts Bluff
81 Hamilton 87 Hitchcock 161 Sheridan
83 Harlan 91 Hooker 165 Sioux
93 Howard 101 Keith    
99 Kearney 111 Lincoln    
115 Loup 113 Logan    
121 Merrick 117 McPherson    
129 Nuckolls 135 Perkins    
137 Phelps 145 Red Willow    
163 Sherman 171 Thomas    
175 Valley        
181 Webster        
183 Wheeler        


New Mexico

Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
1 Bernalillo 7 Colfax 3 Catron
6 Cibola 21 Harding 13 Dona Ana
31 McKinley 28 Los Alamos 17 Grant
43 Sandoval 33 Mora 23 Hidalgo
45 San Juan 39 Rio Arriba 29 Luna
57 Torrance 47 San Miguel 35 Otero
61 Valencia 49 Santa Fe 51 Sierra
    55 Taos 53 Socorro
    59 Union    
Health District 4        
5 Chaves        
9 Curry        
11 De Baca        
15 Eddy        
19 Guadalupe        
25 Lea        
27 Lincoln        
37 Quay        
41 Roosevelt        


South Carolina

Health District 1 Health District 6 Health District 11
7 Anderson 63 Lexington 9 Bamberg
73 Oconee 71 Newberry 17 Calhoun
        75 Orangeburg
Health District 2 Health District 7    
        Health District 12
3 Greenville 39 Fairfield    
5 Pickens 79 Richland 33 Dillon
        41 Florence
Health District 3 Health District 8 67 Marion
21 Cherokee 27 Clarendon Health District 13
83 Spartanburg 55 Kershaw    
87 Union 61 Lee 43 Georgetown
    85 Sumter 51 Horry
Health District 4     89 Williamsburg
    Health District 9    
23 Chester     Health District 14
57 Lancaster 25 Chesterfield    
91 York 31 Darlington 13 Beaufort
    69 Marlboro 29 Colleton
Health District 5     49 Hampton
    Health District 10 53 Jasper
1 Abbeville        
37 Edgefield 3 Aiken Health District 15
47 Greenwood 5 Allendale    
59 Laurens 11 Barnwell 15 Berkeley
65 McCormick     19 Charleston
81 Saluda     35 Dorchester



Health District 1 Health District 3 Health District 5
5 Benton 3 Bedford 7 Bledsoe
17 Carroll 31 Coffee 11 Bradley
23 Chester 55 Giles 51 Franklin
33 Crockett 81 Hickman 61 Grundy
39 Decatur 99 Lawrence 107 McMinn
45 Dyer 101 Lewis 115 Marion
47 Fayette 103 Lincoln 121 Meigs
53 Gibson 117 Marshall 139 Polk
69 Hardeman 119 Maury 143 Rhea
71 Hardin 127 Moore 153 Sequatchie
75 Haywood 135 Perry    
77 Henderson 181 Wayne Health District 6
79 Henry        
95 Lake Health District 4 1 Anderson
97 Lauderdale     9 Blount
109 McNairy 15 Cannon 13 Campbell
131 Obion 27 Clay 25 Claiborne
167 Tipton 35 Cumberland 29 Cocke
183 Weakley 41 DeKalb 57 Grainger
    49 Fentress 63 Hamblen
Health District 2 87 Jackson 89 Jefferson
    111 Macon 105 Loudon
21 Cheatham 133 Overton 123 Monroe
43 Dickson 137 Pickett 129 Morgan
83 Houston 141 Putnam 145 Roane
85 Humphreys 159 Smith 151 Scott
125 Montgomery 175 Van Buren 155 Sevier
147 Robertson 177 Warren 173 Union
149 Rutherford 185 White    
161 Stewart        
165 Sumner        
169 Trousdale        
187 Williamson        
189 Wilson        



Health District 7 Health District 9 Health District 12
19 Carter 113 Madison 93 Knox
59 Greene        
67 Hancock Health District 10 Health District 13
73 Hawkins        
91 Johnson 37 Davidson 163 Sullivan
171 Unicoi        
179 Washington Health District 11    
Health District 8 65 Hamilton    
157 Shelby        



Health District 1 Health District 2 Health District 3
3 Albemarle 510 Alexandria City 590 Danville City
15 Augusta 600 Fairfax City 640 Galax City
17 Bath 610 Falls Church City 680 Lynchburg City
33 Caroline 683 Manassas City 720 Norton City
43 Clarke 685 Manassas Park City 750 Radford City
47 Culpeper     770 Roanoke City
61 Fauquier Health District 3 775 Salem City
65 Fluvanna        
69 Frederick 5 Alleghany Health District 4
79 Greene 9 Amherst    
91 Highland 11 Appomattox 7 Amelia
99 King George 19 Bedford 25 Brunswick
109 Louisa 21 Bland 29 Buckingham
113 Madison 23 Botetourt 36 Charles City 
125 Nelson 27 Buchanan 37 Charlotte
137 Orange 31 Campbell 41 Chesterfield
139 Page 35 Carroll 49 Cumberland
157 Rappahannock 45 Craig 53 Dinwiddie 
163 Rockbridge 51 Dickenson 75 Goochland
165 Rockingham 63 Floyd 81 Greensville
171 Shenandoah 67 Franklin 83 Halifax
177 Spotsylvania 71 Giles 85 Hanover
179 Stafford 77 Grayson 87 Henrico
187 Warren 89 Henry 111 Lunenburg
530 Buena Vista City 105 Lee 117 Mecklenburg
540 Charlottesville City 121 Montgomery 127 New Kent
630 Fredericksburg City 141 Patrick 135 Nottoway
660 Harrisonburg City 143 Pittsylvania 145 Powhatan
678 Lexington City 155 Pulaski 147 Prince Edward
790 Staunton City  161 Roanoke 149 Prince George
820 Waynesboro City 167 Russell 181 Surry
840 Winchester City 169 Scott 183 Sussex
  173 Smyth 570 Colonial Heights City
Health District 2 185 Tazewell 595 Emporia City
    191 Washington 670 Hopewell City
13 Arlington  195 Wise 730 Petersburg City
59 Fairfax    197 Wythe 760 Richmond City
107 Loudoun    515 Bedford City    
153 Prince William 520 Bristol City    
    560 Clifton Forge City    
    580 Covington City    


Health District 5
1 Accomack
57 Essex
73 Gloucester
93 Isle of Wight
95 James City
97 King and Queen
101 King William
103 Lancaster
115 Mathews
119 Middlesex
131 Northampton
133 Northumberland
159 Richmond
175 Southampton
193 Westmoreland
199 York
550 Chesapeake City
620 Franklin City
650 Hampton City
700 Newport News City
710 Norfolk City
735 Poquoson City
740 Portsmouth City
800 Suffolk City
810 Virginia Beach City
830 Williamsburg City


West Virginia

Health District 1 Health District 5 Health District 8
47 McDowell 13 Calhoun 3 Berkeley
55 Mercer 35 Jackson 23 Grant


Monroe 73 Pleasants 27 Hampshire
81 Raleigh   85 Ritchie 31 Hardy
89 Summers 87 Roane 37 Jefferson
109 Wyoming 95 Tyler 57 Mineral
105 Wirt 65 Morgan
107 Wood 71 Pendleton
Health District 2 Health District 6
11 Cabell 9 Brooke
43 Lincoln 29 Hancock
45 Logan 51 Marshall
53 Mason 69 Ohio
59 Mingo 103 Wetzel
99 Wayne
Health District 3 Health District 7
5 Boone 1 Barbour
15 Clay 17 Doddridge
39 Kanawha 21 Gilmer
79 Putnam 33 Harrison
41 Lewis
Health District 4 49 Marion
61 Monongalia
7 Braxton 77 Preston
19 Fayette 83 Randolph
25 Greenbrier 91 Taylor
67 Nicholas 93 Tucker
75 Pocahontas 97 Upshur
101 Webster


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Last Updated: October 22, 2003
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
Statistics & Data Management Branch
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