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Area Work Incentives Coordinator

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Improved Services Available

By the end of 2003, Social Security completed training all of its direct service employees, including the personnel in all 1,338 local Social Security offices and also those who answer our toll-free number, on SSA's employment support programs in order to better assist Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income disability or blindness benefit beneficiaries who want to start or keep working.

New Area Work Incentives Coordinators (AWIC)

Social Security created the AWIC, a full-time position, in May 2003. The 58 AWICs completed their training in the summer of 2003 and:

  • Coordinate and/or conduct public outreach on work incentives in their local areas;
  • Provide and/or coordinate and oversee training on SSA's employment support programs for all personnel;
  • Handle some sensitive or high profile disability work-issue cases, if necessary; and
  • Monitor the disability work-issue workloads in their respective areas.

AWICs Are Not Alone

The AWICs coordinate with the 1335 Work Incentives Liaisons in local offices, Public Affairs Specialists, the Plan for Achieving Self-Support Cadre members and other personnel to provide improved services and information on SSA's employment support programs to beneficiaries with disabilities who want to start or keep working.

For More Information

Access www.socialsecurity.gov/work for more information on Social Security's employment support programs. If you would like information about your case, please call our toll free number 1-800-772-1213 or visit your local Social Security office.


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