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Training for Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies –
Cost Reimbursement Payment Program

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The Office of Employment Support Program's Provider Operations Team is available to provide training to personnel from State vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies on Social Security's cost reimbursement payment request program.

The training is one full day and designed to:

  • inform State VR Agency personnel about the requirements that must be met in order to receive cost reimbursement payments for providing VR services to an individual receiving Social Security disability insurance and/or Supplemental Security Income disability or blind benefits;
  • assist State VR agencies in improving the quality of the reimbursement payment requests that are submitted; and
  • provide an overview of other Social Security employment supports for beneficiaries who want to go to work.

State VR agency personnel interested in taking this training should contact Charlotte Tarman on 410-965-1083. Travel and lodging expenses are the responsibility of State VR agencies.

Visit the Employment Network Payment Activity Report for latest statistical information and dollar amounts SSA paid to Employment Networks.

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