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FAQ icon Questions & Answers
The following pages have answers to many of the commonly asked questions about global environmental change.

item How fast are we losing forests? How does losing forests affect us?
item What is El Niño and what are its effects on the planet?
item Is the ozone hole really a hole?  What is ozone depletion?
item Is sea level rising?  Do we have to worry about it?
item What can I do to help out the planet?
item Where can I find Science Fair Project ideas?
item Where can I can I find those great images you display on the GCMD exhibit booth?
item Why does the Arctic appear to be warming faster than the rest of the globe?
item Further reading. Learn more about global environmental change.

If your question wasn't addressed above, you might want to try these other FAQ pages:
If you were unable to get an answer to your question from the above sources, please E-mail your question to the GCMD Staff at or:
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