HR Management Issues & Information

  HR Survival Guide

This guide provides background on the NOAA Human Resources Management Office (HRMO) and general information concerning administration and use of its programs.  It will be useful as a handy reference for performing the role of supervisor/manager. If you require further clarification or additional information, please visit our HR Contact web page for specific information on your servicing human resources advisors. 
    The Managers' Corner
To help you meet your day-to-day management responsibilities, and assist you in accomplishing the Program Review recommendations related to human capital management, HR will provide updates to this guide and announce them with "The Managers' Corner," a series of broadcast email newsletters.

How Do I Use Direct Hire Authority?

What Can I Do To Increase Employee Job Satisfaction?

How Do I Establish a Career Ladder Position?

How Do I hire a Temporary or Term Employee?

What Is an Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Assignment?

Who Is Accountable for HR Management Decisions?

How Do I Establish a New Position?

How Do I Fill a Vacancy?

How Do I Use Recruitment, Retention, or Relocation Incentives?

How Do I Promote an Employee?

How Do I Reassign an Employee?

What is the Presidential Management Intern (PMI) Program and Its Benefits?

How Do I Hire a Student or Summer Employee?

What is the Workforce Recruitment Program?

How Do I Evaluate an Employee’s Performance?

How Do I Reward an Employee?

How Do I Contribute to an Employee's Career Development?

What is the NOAA Leadership Competencies Development Program (LCDP)?

How Are Probationary Periods an Effective Tool for Supervisors?

How Do I Deal With an Employee’s Unacceptable Performance?

How Do I Deal With an Employee’s Misconduct?

What Should I Know About Labor Relations?

What is the DOC Personnel Management Demonstration (Demo) Project?

What is the Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) Program?

Last Updated 10/12/04
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