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Employee Benefits


  • Family Friendly Workplace
  • DOC, OPM, Bereavement
  • Flexiplace - NOAA OFA Pilot program
  • Leave Donor Recipients
  • Other Workplace Issues
  • Transportation Subsidy Schedule
  • Health Insurance 
  • Life insurance 
  • 2004 FEGLI 2004 Open Season - 09/01 - 09/30
  • FEGLI New Option B Premiums (10/21/03)
  • OPM FEGLI Calculator
  • Life Insurance Needs Calculator by CalcBuilder (Use TABS at top of form after entering your data.)
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Don't miss this opportunity to take advantage of Abbreviated Underwriting Available Only During Open Season! Abbreviated underwriting shortens the application process by allowing you and your spouse to answer

  • fewer medical questions. After Open Season ends, you will be required to use the normal, longer application. Online Application Instuctions.
    Or, click to order an Open Season Information Kit and application.
  • Jul 1  FLTC Insurance Open Season to 12/31/02
  • Streaming Videos NEW
  • March 27, 2002 Update
  • Online Q&A Presentation with OPM & Steve Barr, 3/27/02
  • Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program (OPM) 

  •    OPM Survey on LTC Information provided - 4 questions
       Article from
       LTC Questions & Answers (from
      OPM - News, FAQs, Calculator, LTC Partners, etc.
  • Professional Liability Insurance
  • NOAA Announcement of availability
  • DoC Policy
  • Seniors
  • FirstGov Site
  • Care for the Elderly - HHS
  • Website for Seniors  - Accessibility, Health, Insurance,...
  • Retirement
  • Reduction-in-Force We want to hear from you.  Contact the NOAA HR Webmaster

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