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Indian Health Service Logo: takes you to the Home Page
Indian Health Service:  The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives

About the Indian Health Service
2004 I H S Technology Conference, August23 - 27
(2004 presentations available online)

Special Announcements list Starts Here.
Item 4 New IHS Employee Locator

IHS Resources list Starts Here.
Announcement 1 Job Vacancies Database
Announcement 2 UpToDate Online
Announcement 3 Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Announcement 4 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Announcement 5 Headquarters Reorganization 2004

Key I H S Links Start Here.
Item 1 What’s New On This Site
Item 2 Frequently Asked Questions
Item 3 IHS Email (Secure Access)
Item 4 Find An IHS Employee
Item 5 IHS Calendar
Item 6 My IHS Portal
Item 7 Current IHS Issues At  INFO.IHS.GOV
Item 8 Computer Security Awareness TrainingKey I H S Links End Here.

HHS Logo
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Indian Health Service (HQ)
The Reyes Building
801 Thompson Avenue, Ste. 400
Rockville, MD 20852-1627

Telephone Contacts

Bullet Image. Start of Page Links. Item 1 Agency Introduction
The mission, goal, and foundation of the IHS, along with a brief description of the agency.

vertical dots divider

Item 2 Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
A Federal/State program expanding health coverage to uninsured children whose families earn too much for Medicaid but too little to afford to purchase private health insurance.

Item 3 Clinical Practice Guidelines
Clinical practice guidelines from a wide variety of best practices sources.

Item 4 Fact Sheet
A brief summary touching on Indian Health Service Federal-tribal relationships; mission, goal, and objectives; health care delivery; facilities construction and maintenance; and career opportunities.

Item 5 Health Care Information
Links to a variety of health care information sites.

Item 6 HealthFinder
US Department of Health and Human Service's web site with links and information on many aspects of health, medicine, databases, and on-line publications.

Item 6 Medicaid Information
The official US government site for Medicaid information.

Section Highlights

  • Area Offices
  • Glossary / Acronyms
    Highlighted Links End here.

  • Item 7 Medicare Information
    The official US government site for Medicare information.

    Item 8 Native Health History Database (NHHD)
    The NHHD is a centralized, nationally accessible, computerized information database containing complete bibliographic information and abstracts on historical Native American and Alaska Native medical/health research reports covering a time period from 1652 to 1970.

    Item 9 Native Health Research Database (NHRD)
    The NHRD, a joint venture between the Indian Health Service and the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Library, is a database of resource documents and other materials from approximately 1970 to the present time for tribal health professionals and health care practitioners working with Native American populations.

    Item 10. End of Page Links. Patient Education Protocols and Codes
    The Patient Education Protocols and Codes provides necessary information to assist nurses, physicians and other health care providers in documenting and tracking patient education.

    Accessibility  --  Disclaimer  --  Website Privacy Policy  --  Freedom of Information Act
    Kids Page  --  Contact Information  --  FirstGov  --  HHS

    This file last modified:   Thursday October 2, 2003  3:51 PM