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These are FTC consumer feature articles from 2001. These articles can be reprinted in your newspaper, magazine or newsletter; some articles have also been distributed by the North American Precis Syndicate (NAPS).

Fact Sheet on the FTC's Consumer Education Resources for the Media.

Dec 2001


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection champion, has resources to assist media who cover consumer issues. The FTC provides the information consumers need to spot and avoid fraud and deception. Contact the FTC for free information on a wide range of issues. Be a Hero. Help End Rip-Offs.

IDENTITY THEFT What To Do If Your Identity Is Stolen

September 2001


When an imposter co-opts your name, your Social Security number, your credit card number, or some other piece of your personal information for their use-in short-when someone appropriates your personal information without your knowledge, it's a crime.

Health Claims on the Internet: Buyer Beware

Jun 2001


A former healthcare practitioner from Seattle had several reasons for complaining to the Arizona Attorney General about a website touting an AIDS cure. He knew that the claim was bogus: Scientists have yet to discover a cure for AIDS. And he knew that the $1,100 charge for a six-week "treatment" to cure the disease was tantamount to stealing. But the "clincher" was the claim that the product was "100-percent guaranteed."

Staying Safe By Reducing Sun Exposure

June 2001


Overexposure to the sun's invisible rays-ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)-can cause skin damage that ranges from sunburn and rashes to premature wrinkling and skin cancer. Knowing the answers to a few questions may help save your skin.

Waking Up to Anti-Snoring Claims

Mar 2001


A heads up for the estimated 40 million Americans who snore: The Federal Trade Commission has settled charges against the manufacturer and promoter of an anti-snoring product that claimed to treat the symptoms of sleep apnea, a serious, potentially life-threatening condition that causes brief interruptions of breathing during sleep.

Cracking Down on Mail, Email and Fax Scams: Project Mailbox

Jan 2001


Every day, consumers receive unsolicited offers by direct mail, email and fax. Most of these solicitations are for legitimate products and services and charities, but not all. Mail with deceptive and fraudulent promotions costs consumers and businesses millions of dollars a year.

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