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Image of Pentagon oval, linked to DoD News page   United States Department of Defense
News Transcripts
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News Transcripts document all DoD news briefings and significant interviews. Older transcripts are available on the transcript archive page. Transcripts are also available by e-mail subscription. Go to DoD News for more information and for links to other news items.

03/31/2003: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal
03/30/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on Fox News Sunday with Tony Snow
03/30/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Remarks on ABC "This Week with George Stephanopoulos"
03/29/2003: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal
03/28/2003: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
03/28/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout at House of Representatives
03/28/2003: Stakeout at Senate - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
03/28/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with the Lebanese Broadcasting Corp.
03/28/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with WHDH-TV
03/28/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with AFRTS
03/28/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Al Arabiya
03/27/2003: Briefing On Casualty Notification
03/27/2003: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal
03/25/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with KIRO-TV
03/25/2003: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
03/25/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with BBC World Service
03/25/2003: Background Briefing on Budget Supplemental
03/25/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with CNN Late Edition
03/24/2003: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal
03/24/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with New England Channel News
03/23/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout following NBC Meet the Press
03/23/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout following CNN Interview
03/23/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Media Stakeout following CBS Face The Nation
03/23/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Tim Russert, NBC Meet The Press
03/23/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with WSVN-TV
03/23/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with KABC-TV
03/23/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview-Bob Schieffer and David Martin, CBS Face The Nation
03/23/2003: ASD PA Clarke Meeting with Bureau Chiefs
03/22/2003: DoD News Briefing - ASD PA Clarke and Maj. Gen. McChrystal
03/21/2003: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers
03/20/2003: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Myers
03/20/2003: Effects Based Operations Briefing
03/18/2003: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Roadmap Report
03/18/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Newsweek
03/14/2003: Briefing on Depleted Uranium
03/14/2003: Briefing on Free Iraqi Forces
03/14/2003: Force Health Protection Briefing
03/12/2003: Air Force Briefing on "Space: The Warfighter's Perspective"
03/12/2003: Backgrounder on Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance in Post-War
03/11/2003: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers
03/07/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with CNBC
03/07/2003: Servicemember Interviews with WMAL Radio
03/06/2003: Pentagon Town Hall Meeting with Secretary Rumsfeld
03/06/2003: Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with the Washington Post
03/05/2003: Background Briefing On Targeting
03/05/2003: DoD News Briefing - Secretary Rumsfeld And Gen. Franks
03/05/2003: Senior Defense Officials Interview with Chris Core, WMAL Radio
03/04/2003: DASD PA Whitman Interview with Dick Gordon of The Connection, NPR
03/04/2003: Briefing Announcing the Winning Design in the Pentagon Memorial Competition
03/04/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview with Nolan Finley of the Detroit News
03/03/2003: Briefing on Chemical and Biological Defense Readiness
03/03/2003: Coalition News Briefing on Humanitarian Assistance
03/03/2003: Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Media Stakeout with Phoenix TV/TV France

Updated: 24 May 2004
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