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Image of Pentagon oval, linked to DoD News page   United States Department of Defense
News Transcripts
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News Transcripts document all DoD news briefings and significant interviews. Older transcripts are available on the transcript archive page. Transcripts are also available by e-mail subscription. Go to DoD News for more information and for links to other news items.

05/31/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/31/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/30/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/30/2004:Ask the U.S. Commander in Iraq, BBC
05/28/2004:United States Central Command Briefing
05/28/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/28/2004:Special Department of Defense Briefing
05/27/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/26/2004:Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
05/26/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/25/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/24/2004:Defense Department Briefing on Iraqi Reconstruction Contracts
05/24/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/22/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/21/2004:Secretary Rumsfeld and General Pace Remarks at Pentagon (USO)
05/21/2004:Defense Department Background Briefing
05/21/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/20/2004:Stakeout After Classified Senate Operations and Intelligence Committee Brief
05/20/2004:DoD Background Briefing
05/20/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/19/2004:Background Briefing - Uniform Code of Military Justice and Court Martial Procedures
05/18/2004:Final Administrative Review Procedures for Guantanamo Detainees
05/18/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/17/2004:Remarks by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to the Heritage Foundation
05/17/2004:Background Roundtable to Discuss U.S. Forces Deploying from Republic of Korea to Iraq
05/17/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/14/2004:Major General Miller Interview in Baghdad with Pentagon Press Corps
05/14/2004:Defense Department Background Briefing
05/14/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/13/2004:Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld and General Myers Speech at Abu Ghraib Prison
05/13/2004:Secretary Rumsfeld Media Availability Enroute to Baghdad
05/13/2004:Town Hall Meeting With U.S. Troops
05/13/2004:Defense Department Briefing on Task Force Report on Care of Victims of Sexual Assault
05/12/2004:Media Availability with Vice Admiral Church
05/12/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/11/2004:Defense Department Town Hall Meeting
05/11/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/10/2004:Background Briefing on Court-Martial of U.S. Soldiers
05/10/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/07/2004:Secretary Rumsfeld Stakeout after Congressional Hearing
05/07/2004:Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz Stakeout after Philadelphia World Affairs Council
05/07/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/06/2004:Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Remarks at the World Affairs Council of Greater Philadelphia
05/06/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/05/2004:Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Matt Lauer NBC "Today"
05/05/2004:Secretary Rumsfeld on ABC's Today Show with Diane Sawyer
05/05/2004:General Pace Interview with Hannah Storm, CBS "Early Show"
05/05/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing
05/04/2004:Defense Department Operational Update Briefing
05/04/2004:Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz Interview on the Pentagon Channel
05/04/2004:Special Defense Department Briefing
05/04/2004:Detainee Operations Briefing
05/04/2004:Iraq, One Year Later
05/04/2004:Media Availability with General Norton Swartz, J-3 Operations, General Richard Cody, Army Operations Chief
05/03/2004:Media Availability with Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Public Affairs Lawrence Di Rita
05/03/2004:Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing

Updated: 24 Jun 2004
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