BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Welcome to U.S. Commercial Service Korea!

Pools the resources of U.S. Commercial Service offices in 14 Asia-Pacific countries for you...

What's New!

• U.S. Department of Commerce certified Linden University Fair will be coming to Seoul October 6. For those interested, please click [External link]here for more information.

• Oregon Company Nourishes Exports Through Trade(read more).

• U.S. Commercial Service in Korea develops strong partnerships (read more).

• Meet qualified buyers and key contacts from Korea without leaving the U.S. Click here to learn more about U.S. Commercial Service Korea's U.S. outreach plans.

• Looking for market research on Korea? Click here for recent market reports completed...

Upcoming Events

Click here for our events!

Recent Market Research and Commercial Guides

Corporate Education and Training Market in Korea
Korea's Defense Budget Proposal for 2005
Clinical Lab Products Market in Korea
KMH Program Provides Excellent Business Opportunities
Market for Broadcasting Equipment and Programming
[doc]Outlook and Opportunities in Korea (Microsoft Powerpoint, 992 KB)
[doc]Korea's Country Commercial Guide 2004 (Microsoft Word, 926 KB)

Click "here" for more market reports.

Internship Opportunities

•Be a part of the U.S. government's front-line agency promoting U.S. business interests abroad.  Intern at the American Embassy in Korea!