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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
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Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)

Background and Purposes

The Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) is a formula grant that provides funds to States, Territories, and federally and State-recognized Indian Tribes/Tribal organizations so that they may provide supportive services and activities to assist low-income individuals and families to become self-sufficient. Typically, States fund these services by making sub-grants to locally-based Community Action Agencies and other eligible entities that provide services to low-income individuals and families.

The amended legislation for CSBG includes Charitable Choice, a legislative provision designed to remove unnecessary barriers to the receipt of certain federal funds by faith-based organizations. The provision prohibits States from discriminating against religious organizations when choosing providers under CSBG, as long as the programs are implemented in a manner that is consistent with the First Amendment.

How Funds May Be Used

Grantees use the funds to support a variety of services that help low-income people. Services typically assist with childcare, employment, education, emergency services, health care, housing, nutrition, transportation, youth development, and coordination of resources and community participation.

Fiscal Year 2005 Appropriation:
Information on funding for Fiscal Year 2005 will be available soon. For information on how the funds are used in your community, contact the CSBG agency in your state.

Fiscal Year 2004 Appropriation: $642 million

Sponsoring Bureau: Office of Community Services

CSBG Charitable Choice Regulations: (PDF)

CSBG State program contacts: