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HOME > Monitoring and Data > Oceanic & Atmospheric Data > Weekly ENSO Update
Updated weekly (Monday)
SST Animation - Tropical Pacific
SST Animation - Global
T-Depth Animation - Equatorial Pacific

Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR)

Pentad mean and anomalous OLR

Time-longitude section of anomalous OLR

850-hPa Zonal Wind

Time-longitude Section (GDAS data)

Time-longitude Section (Anomalous)

Daily time series averaged over 160°E-100°W, 5°N-5°S (GDAS data)

Daily time series for the standard index areas (see Figure T3, CDB)(GDAS data)

Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Weekly SST Anomalies

Time-longitude section of SST anomalies (5°N-5°S)

Time series of weekly SST anomalies for the 4 Niño regions

Time series of weekly SST and Climatology for the 4 Niño regions

Subsurface Tropical Pacific Ocean Analyses

Mean and anomalous equatorial temperatures

Equatorial depth of the 20°C isotherm

Anomalous equatorial depth of the 20°C isotherm

Equatorial 55 meter depth temperature anomalies

Equatorial 106 meter depth temperature anomalies

Equatorial 155 meter depth temperature anomalies

Sea level anomalies

Click to Download Color Postscript File

Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR)

Pentad mean and anomalous OLR

Time-longitude section of anomalous OLR

850-hPa Zonal Wind

Time-longitude Section (GDAS data)

Time-longitude Section (Anomalous)

Daily time series averaged over 160°E-100°W, 5°N-5°S (GDAS data)

Daily time series for the standard index areas (see Figure T3, CDB) (GDAS data)

Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Weekly SST Anomalies

Time-longitude section of SST anomalies (5°N-5°S)

Time series of weekly SST anomalies for the 4 Niño regions

Time series of weeklySST and Climatology for the 4 Niño regions

Subsurface Tropical Pacific Ocean Analyses

Mean and anomalous equatorial temperatures

Equatorial depth of the 20°C isotherm

Anomalous equatorial depth of the 20°C isotherm

Equatorial 55 meter depth temperature anomalies

Equatorial 106 meter depth temperature anomalies

Equatorial 155 meter depth temperature anomalies

Sea level anomalies

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Page last modified: August 20, 2002
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