Library Staff
Justice Management Division
U.S. Department of Justice
The U.S. Department of Justice, Justice Management Division (JMD),
Library System comprises the Main Library, the Patrick Henry Library,
and Branch Libraries at various locations in Washington, D.C.
The Main Library is a broad research facility with extensive legal and
non-legal holdings. Service is provided primarily to the Offices, Boards
and Divisions of the Department of Justice. Branch Libraries primarily
serve the litigating Divisions and maintain specialized collections
of particular interest to the personnel of the Divisions, in addition
to essential legal materials.
Most U.S. Department of Justice, Justice Management Division Libraries'
resources are for the use of Justice Department personnel only. Libraries
are open to the public for access to government depository items, Department
of Justice materials or unique titles which are located in our libraries.
Most locations are staffed Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. To
contact one of our libraries, please view the Library
Locations list which contains the addresses and telephone
numbers for our Main and Branch Libraries.
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