Associate Research Professor Tim Stanton
(831) 656 3144, FAX (831) 656 2712
email: stanton@nps.edu

[Image of Tim Stanton]

[Image of LEADEXII Helicopter Operations]

[Image of Monterey Bay Beach Experiment setup 1996]

The Ocean Turbulence Laboratory in the Oceanography Department at the Naval Postgraduate School has an active research program addressing a range of ocean turbulent boundary layer problems. The group has developed several observational systems for studying sub-ice boundary layers in polar regions, coastal internal waves, solitons and turbulence over the continental shelf, and the wave forced boundary bottom boundary layer over the inner shelf and surf zone.

Recent Research Programs

[Turbulence frame deployment on FLIP during COPE]

Thesis Topics

[Image of FLIP during COPE]

Last Reviewed: February 2003
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