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Employee Safety Climate Survey (ESCS) For Shore-Based Activities

Download the Survey

The zipped folder below contains:

1. Database Security Information.
2. Database Instructions.
3. ESCS Survey application.

ESCS Survey
(18 Mb .zip file)

The Employee Safety Climate Survey (ESCS) database is an Access 2000 application designed as a tool for safety managers and officers. ESCS may be used to assess the overall safety climate at a shore command and determine areas needing command attention to improve the safety climate. NSC has had safety climate surveys available for aviation and afloat activities on-line, but this ESCS tool may be downloaded and customized to suit the activity’s requirements. Once a cross-section of military personnel or civilian employees have taken the survey, management can access reports on questions groups of interest and overall scores. Surveys are anonymous, but do collect some demographic information, such as pay grade, rate, number of years at that activity, etc.

This access-based application can be utilized with any windows based operating system with Microsoft office 2000/xp. The database was designed using Microsoft access 2000, so is NMCI and IT21 compatible, since it has no executable files. The application itself can be stored on a LAN or may be placed on a stand-alone computer allowing respondents to access the survey. The administrator, or those individuals with approved access, may harness the full capabilities of the database. Security protocols should be utilized to prevent tampering. ESCS was developed per SECNAV Washington DC 151652Z JUL 03, SECDEF Washington DC memo 19 MAY 03, SAFECEN ltr 5100 00/0897 7 NOV 03, and OPNAVINST 5100.23 series in order to accommodate the SECDEF’s goal to reduce mishaps by 50%. Assessing the safety climate is a major indicator in developing mishap prevention plans. 

The ESCS files available for download contain the introduction format that includes governing instructions & notices. The security requirements offer strict confidentiality to support anonymity. Once you start the safety survey, there is an administration only section that allows the administrator to create reports, develop respondent breakdown, review comment questions area, statistically average the questions, and print preview for each question with summary trait indicators. There is also a miscellaneous options section as well as a conclusion and contact section to assist the administrator.

A real-time shore climate survey coupled with real-time safety trend data retrieval will put new tools in the hands of safety professionals, managers, and supervisors. Questions, comments, bugs, or problems should be reported to the ESCS POC, CDR Dexter Mills, at