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Navy and Marine Corps Safety Council 

The Navy and Marine Corps Safety Council, with four Safety Committees representing the afloat, aviation, ground tactical, and shore safety communities, is a key element of the Navy and Marine Corps plan to reduce mishaps by 50% by the end of FY05, as directed by SECDEF and SECNAV. This flag-level council will oversee implementation of the Naval Safety Strategic Plan, with current and future safety initiatives and improvements. 

The Safety Council is co-chaired by COMNAVSAFECEN and CMC(SD), to ensure a consolidated effort involving the entire Department of the Navy. 

On 14 Nov 2003, Secretary of the Navy Gordon R. England signed the charter the Navy and Marine Corps Safety Council.

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The following briefs were made at the Safety Council meeting on 21 Sep 2004:

The following briefs were made at the Safety Council meeting on 17 Mar 2004:

The following briefs were made on 16 Dec 2003 at the Working Level Safety Council Meeting: