FastLane Features
Below is information about FastLane's available features.
Electronic Business
Registered Organization Applications
PI/CO PI Functions
Research Administration Functions
Financial Functions
Related Information
Electronic Business
Proposal Review
Persons reviewing NSF proposals can submit ratings and comments using
this application. The reviewer uses a special review PIN (specific
to that proposal) to access a template that can be used to "copy
and paste" reviewer comments and to record other required
information. Go to Proposal Review
Panel Review System
This function allows panelists to prepare and submit the reviews for the
group of proposal assigned to their panel. NSF will provide the panelist
with the panel ID and panelist password needed to access the system.
Panelists may submit each review individually or may save the review
(for later revision) and submit all reviews as a group.
Go to Panel Review
Panel Travel/EFT
This function allows panelists to submit their travel plans and their
electronic funds transfer (EFT/banking information). When travel
information is submitted, it is forwarded to Sato
(NSF's contracted travel agency) for handling. When the EFT information
is submitted, it is transferred to the NSF financial management system
for use in making payments to the panelists. NSF will provide the panelist
with the panel ID and panelist password needed to access the system.
Go to Panel Travel/EFT
Medal of Science
Both nominations for recipients of the Medal of Science and Letters
of Support can be created and submitted using this application.
Check the application for the deadline.
Go to Medal of Science
Graduate Research Fellowships
Persons wishing to apply for NSF Graduate Research Fellowships can use
this application to create and submit the required forms. Letters
of Reference can also be created and submitted through this application.
The deadline for submission is in November. Check the application
for the exact date.
Go to Graduate Research Fellowships
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Applicants for the various NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship programs use this
function to prepare and submit their applications. Requirements and
deadlines for the fellowships vary from program to program. Letters of
reference and support are supported in this function as well.
Go to Postdoctoral Fellowships

Registered Organization Applications:
PI/CO PI Functions
Proposal Preparation
The PI can prepare all required NSF standard proposal forms using
this option. FastLane has smart forms capability that pulls in
all individual and organizational information available in the
NSF database thereby minimizing the amount of information
that must be typed in. When the proposal is completed, the PI
clicks on the Allow SRO Access button. The Sponsored Research Office (SRO) or
equivalent then submits the proposal after putting it through
the organization's regular approval process. FastLane provides
checks for completeness and other information edits. The forms
may be viewed and/or printed prior to submission.
Instructions |
Go to Proposal Preparation
Proposal Status
This feature provides NSF grant applicants (PIs) with information concerning
the receipt and status of the proposals they submit. FastLane
provides information about the status of that proposal including
the proposal title, the date NSF received the proposal, the NSF
program name, and the assigned Program Officer. FastLane also
provides dates of final program approval, as well as the identification
of overdue reports and other factors that might be delaying the
proposal process. Go to Proposal Status
Project Reports System
NSF grants require the submission of a Final Project Report within 90 days of the expiration of the grant. The
PI creates and submits the Final Project Report using a report template. Both the project summary and technical information
can be prepared with a word processor and then "copied and
pasted" into the report. Annual Reports and Intermin Reports are also entered into this
Go to Project Reports System
Notifications & Requests
The PI can create a number of standard NSF request and notification
forms and then forward them to the SRO for submission.
Go to Notifications & Requests
Continuation Funding
The PI can check the status of the funding of his/her award.
Go to Continuation Funding

Registered Organization Applications:
Research Administration Functions
Research Administration
Using this application the SRO can assign passwords to PIs, create reports
concerning the organization's proposals and awards, submit notifications
and requests to NSF, and submit proposals, revised proposal budgets, and supplements to NSF.
Instructions |
Go to Research Administration

Registered Organization Applications:
Financial Functions
Financial Functions Overview
Financial Functions are for filing quarterly financial reports,
making cash draw downs, and changing EFT information.
Authorization to use financial functions is obtained through a two-step process.
First, whoever has the power within Research Administration to grant FastLane
permissions needs to grant permission to someone to be Financial Administrator.
Second, the person who has been designated Financial Administrator
then needs to login to
Research Administration,
click on Financial Administration, and go thru the process
of assigning various financial permissions to one or more users.
The homepage link for logging on is now
Financial Functions.
Whereas before FastLane financial users accessed financial functions
by logging on with Organization ID and a password assigned to the
organization as a whole, now financial users will sign on same way
that proposal writers and research administrators do ---
providing last name, social security number, and a 6-20 character
password. This password is the same as would be used for accessing Proposal
Preparation or Research Administration. Once the user logs on,
the financial applications to which the user has permission will
appear on the resulting financial applications menu. If the user
belongs to more than one organization, then the user will
first be prompted to choose which organization to work on.
For more information on the new logon procedures and how
to try them out in the FastLane DEMO environment, go to the
Financial Login and EFT Update Procedures page.
For instructions on how to assign User Permissions, go to the Unified Financial Login User Guide.
Federal Cash Transactions Report (FCTR)
Financial Administration offices use the Federal Cash Transaction Report to submit their quarterly
reports to NSF. The report may be downloaded as a spreadsheet so that it can be worked
on "offline." When complete, the report is uploaded back to FastLane and then
submitted to NSF.
Cash Request
Organizations with NSF awards can request cash against
those awards. The whole process is paperless.
Cash Request History
This may be used to view in time sequence all the cash requests
that have been made for a particular organization.
Grantee EFT Update
An authorized individual may establish or update the Electronic
Funds Transfer information necessary for cash to be wired directly
to the organization's account.
Grantee EFT History
An authorized individual may view the log of all changes made
to the organization's Electronic Funds Transfer information.

Related Information
NSF Award Search
This feature allows users to query the NSF database by State, Organization,
NSF Program, and fiscal year within each category. FastLane also
provides lists of recent awards by week. This feature is available
to the public. Go to NSF Award Search
Change Password
The Change Password option gives FastLane users the ability to change their password online. See the Password Guidelines section for information on valid passwords. Go to Change Password
Password Reset
If you forgot your password,
and if you are not a Financial Administrator or
Financial Functions user, then
the Password Reset application gives you the option to reset the password automatically.
It sends the new password to your NSF registered email address.
This new password must then be changed the next time you log in to FastLane.
See the Password Guidelines
section for information on valid passwords.
Go to Password Reset
If you are a Financial Administrator or Financial Functions user, then your
password may only be reset by someone in your Sponsored Research Office
who has the authority to reset Fastlane passwords
Password Guidelines
- Must be between 6 and 20 characters.
- Must contain at least one alphabetic and one numeric character.
- Passwords are not case sensitive.
- Your last three passwords cannot be re-used.
- Passwords expire every 365 days for non-financial users, every 120 days for financial users.
