OPM Seal

United States
Office of Personnel Management

Guide to Recruiting and Retaining Women in the Federal Government

Leadership and Evaluation

OPM will establish a governmentwide task force through the Interagency Advisory Group of Personnel Directors which includes representation from the major departments and independent agencies personnel and civil rights offices. The task force will develop a work plan outlining the best practices in the public and private sectors. Research will be conducted to identify practices in major corporations (and in particular, those headed by women) which have aided the career development of women. The task force will benchmark identified best practices. OPM will provide the results to departments and independent agencies. When agencies request, OPM will provide technical assistance to ensure proper implementation of best practices. The results will also be made available on the Internet using OPM's Web site.

Results of the activities described in this guide should be incorporated into each agency's Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) accomplishment report to OPM. OPM will continue to report agencies specific progress and successes in recruiting and retaining women in our Annual Report to Congress on the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program.


Page created 9 September 1998