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NASA Education Program
  • NASA Headquarters Education Directory - Provides contact information for NASA's Education Division staff located in Washington, D.C.

  • NASA Field Center Education Directors - Provides contact information for each of NASA's Field Center Education Directors located around the United States.

  • NASA Field Center PreCollege Contacts - Provides contact information for each of NASA's Field Center Pre-College Officers (Grades K-12) located around the United States.

  • NASA Field Center Higher Education Contacts - Provides contact information for each of NASA's Field Center University Affairs Officers located around the United States.

    • Get Adobe Acrobat Reader Image University Program Management Information System 200120022003 [Updated 02/26/04] (pdf) contains agreements with Colleges and Universities, provides contact information for the NASA Technical Officer and the Principal Investigator for each agreement. Featured items include charts, dollar summaries by state, and other summary data.

  • NASA Aerospace Education Services Program- AESP is a nationwide, free program for teachers, students, and the general public. Contact the specialist that serves your state.

  • NASA Educator Resource Centers - Located on or near NASA Field Centers, museums, colleges, or other nonprofit organizations. The ERCs provide educators with inservice and preservice training, demonstrations, and access to NASA instructional products.

  • NASA's Space Grant College and Fellowship Program - Contributes to the nation's science enterprise by funding research, education, and public service projects through a national network of 52 university-based Space Grant consortia.

  • NASA's Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) - Program targets states of modest research infrastructure with funds to develop a more competitive research base within their member academic institutions.

  • NASA's Minority University Research and Education Programs - Are administered through NASA's Office of Education to increase the agency's responsiveness to Federal mandates related to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Other Minority Universities (OMUs), including Hispanic Serving Institutions and Tribal Colleges and Universities. The programming staff is responsible for formulating and executing NASA's Minority University Research and Education Programs (MUREP) budget, developing agency wide policies, procedures and guidelines that enhance the involvement of HBCUs and OMUs in the mission of the agency.

  • NASA's Strategic Enterprises - NASA's overall program, as outlined in the agency's Strategic Plan, is comprised of six Strategic Enterprises. Each enterprise covers a major area of the agency's research and development efforts. The six NASA enterprises are Aerospace Technology, Biological and Physical Research, Earth Science, Education, Space Science, and Space Flight.

  • The NASA State Directory - Provides contact information for NASA related programs, resources, and alliances within each of the 50 United States, and the territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

Other Points of Contact
  • National Associations - NASA has many working relationships and agreements to advance educational opportunities. In this area you will find links to organizations that work in association with NASA at the national level.

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Editor: Shelley Canright
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
Last Updated: September 28, 2004
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