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 + For Educators 5-8
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 A Guide to NASA's Education Programs - A searchable database with brief descriptions of NASA's Education Programs, including points of contact, admission criteria, location, content areas, and financial support for all of NASA's field centers.

Join Earth Crew  - NASA is recruiting students, educators, and families to join the Earth Crew Team. This team will be dedicated to supporting the Educator Astronauts as they prepare for and explore space. Earth Crew members will participate in ground-based projects and missions.

NASA Spacelink  - A variety of resources await you at NASA Spacelink. Whether exploring NASA's Hot Topics and Cool Picks, previewing the latest Educational Publications, or researching NASA Projects, teachers of all age groups will be excited at the selection of materials available to them and their students.

NASA's Classroom of the Future (COTF) - The Web site for NASA's Classroom of the Future highlights technology activities such as workshops, news and events, CD-ROMs, 21st Century Teacher Initiative, the Challenger Learning Center, and related NASA technology programs.

NASA's Learning Technologies Project (LTP) - NASA's educational technology incubator. LTP funds activities and collaborates with endeavors that incorporate NASA content with revolutionary technologies or innovative use of entrenched technologies to enhance education in the areas of math and science.

The NASA Image Exchange (NIX)  - Visit NIX, a web-based search engine that puts over 300,000 NASA online images from the various NASA centers at your fingertips.

Space Calendar  - Covers space-related activities and anniversaries for the coming year.

Science@NASA - Science stories and involvement projects that bring the cutting edge to adults interested in science. Anywhere from 3-5 new stories a week, each announced by an e-mail to your address.

U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission - The Centennial of Flight Commission's Web site is filled with information for aviation enthusiasts, educators, and students in honor of the Wright brothers' first powered flight centennial which occurred on December 17, 2003.

Where to Ask Questions  - Do you have a question about Space? Do you want to ask a question about an experiment you tried in Science class? Choose a site from this list and post your question. Read carefully for rules that apply to each location.

NASAexplores  - This NASA Web site provides weekly lesson plans for Grades K-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Topics will be selected from current NASA Aerospace Technology and Human Exploration of Space topics. A great site for enriching existing curriculum.

Meet NASA People - Online at NASA Quest you can meet scientists, engineers, technicians and other diverse NASA professionals. Read their biographies and join in the chats to learn more about careers at NASA.

NASA Technical Report Server (NTRS) - Contains formal reports published by NASA researchers. This service allows users to search the many abstract and technical report servers maintained by various NASA centers and programs. Users can browse or search bibliographic information as well as retrieve the related abstracts and full text of the reports.

NASA Scientific and Technical Information Program - Provides ready access to over 3 million aerospace and related citations. Powerful search capabilities offer access to both the latest and most important historical information about aerospace, aeronautics and related topics.

Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) - Is a directory of Earth science data and services for students, scientists, teachers, reporters and the scientifically curious.

NASA Space Science Education Resource Directory - Is an Internet on-ramp to educational resources produced by NASA's Space Science Education and Public Outreach program. Search for science lessons, activities, and resources appropriate for kindergarten through adult.

NASA Quest  - Invites students and teachers to communicate with NASA scientists and researchers through frequent live, interactive events that allow participants to come and go as dictated by their own individual and classroom needs. These projects are open to anyone, without cost. Supporting resources include Web-based profiles of NASA experts, lesson plans, activities, background information, and other Internet educational services.

Imagine Mars  - Is a Web-based initiative that provides educators and project leaders with lesson plans, Mars facts and other resources to lead student project teams. The goal is to encourage students to explore their own community, to interact with scientists, engineers, artists, architects and community leaders, and to understand the different planetary environment on Mars.

Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School Students (EarthKAM) - Is a spectacular collection of digital images of Earth taken from the International Space Station and the shuttle. Using the World Wide Web, select middle schools request images based upon their classroom investigations. The image collection and accompanying learning guides and activities support classes in Earth science, space science, geography, social studies, mathematics, communications, and even art.

Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) - Is a program that offers an opportunity for students to experience the excitement of Amateur Radio by talking directly with crew members of the International Space Station.

NASA History Office  - From the NASA History Web site you may navigate by using the topical index (A-Z), by major subject, by keyword, or by the site map. "About the NASA History Office" provides information about how and when the historical program started. Sign up for the electronic mailing list, learn how to obtain hard copies of various publications and how to research NASA history. You can also visit "Our History in Brief" to learn more about the substance of NASA history.

Innovative Technology Transfer Partnerships - (Technology Transfer and NASA Spinoff Information) Encompasses organizations throughout the U.S. that are sponsored by, and affiliated with, the NASA Commercial Technology Program. These organizations provide unique expertise and services to U.S. enterprises to facilitate and assist the transfer, development and commercialization of NASA-sponsored technology. The network includes the Commercial Technology Program offices at NASA headquarters and field centers; specialized technology transfer/commercialization centers and services; and other affiliated organizations and services.

The NASA Personal Property Disposal Program - Each year the Federal agencies of the United States generate billions of dollars worth of excess, surplus and/or exchange/sale personal property no longer needed by the original acquiring activity. Find out how to obtain this property through this Web site.

The NASA Technology Portal - If you've ever wanted to know more about emerging technologies and technology challenges at NASA, you'll now find them conveniently collected in one place -- the NASA Technology Portal. Users can capitalize on technologies developed by NASA, explore opportunities to develop new technologies with NASA, or learn what unsolved aerospace challenges NASA faces and propose technologies to meet them.

Federal Education and Government Resources - Provides access to Internet sites that offer information for Federally funded education programs and opportunities for educators.

 Make a Relief Map Jigsaw Puzzle
Your students can follow these instructions to make this map of the world.
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 Discover the Northern Lights!
Let this Web site teach your students about the Northern Lights.
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 Timeless Knowledge Lesson Plans
Find out what resources are available to prepare for Sun-Earth Day 2005.
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 Student Sunspotters
Teach your students how to search for sunspots.
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+ 2003 Strategic Plan
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+ The President's Management Agenda
+ FY 2003 Agency Performance and Accountability Report
+ NASA Privacy Statement, Disclaimer,
and Accessibility Certification

Editor: Shelley Canright
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
Last Updated: October 23, 2004
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