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Act now before it is too late. Summer workshops, grants, online activities, challenging contests for students are among the opportunities available to educators.
 NASA Explorer Schools
This program establishes a three-year partnership between NASA and 50 school teams, consisting of teachers and education administrators from diverse communities across the country. Application documents for the 2004-2005 school year will be available online from September 15, 2004, through January 30, 2005.
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 Apply to Be an Einstein Fellow
Educators with 5 years of experience are eligible to apply for the Albert Einstein Distinguished Fellowship Program. Work in Washington D.C. for 10 months with a government agency, one of which is NASA. Apply between October 1 and February 1.
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 Apply to Host NASA Explorer Institute Focus Groups
This NASA Explorer Institutes (NEI) CAN will provide members of the informal education community with an opportunity to compete for funding support to host NEI Focus Groups. Letters of intent are due by October 15, 2004, and proposals are due by November 12, 2004.
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 NASA at Regional Conferences
Educators attending regional conventions may register for the NSTA/NASA Institute Symposia Series. Learn the latest from robotics and solar system specialists. Registration deadlines are in October and November for these fall events.
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 NASA SCI Files™
The tree house detectives go galactic with their latest project as they learn how long it will take to travel to Mars and how the Moon affects the Earth. Join the crew for "The Case of the Galactic Vacation" on October 20, 2004. NASA SCIfiles productions are 60-minute shows for grades 3-5. Check the Web site for viewing in your locality and how to obtain a video of the program.
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Join the NASA CONNECT cast of characters as they learn about the human body in "Good Stress: Building Better Muscles and Bones." This 30-minute broadcast for grades 6-8 debuts on October 21, 2004. Visit the Web site for broadcast information, educational resources and how to obtain a video of this show.
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 Dropping in a Microgravity Environment (DIME)
This competition allows high school teams to design and build a science experiment to be operated in a NASA microgravity drop tower facility. Four students and one adult advisor from each selected team will travel to NASA Glenn Research Center for DIME Drop Days in April to test their experiments. Entries must be postmarked by November 1, 2004.
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 NASA/National Research Council's Post-Doctoral Program
Research Associateship Programs are sponsored by federal laboratories and NASA Research Centers at over one hundred locations in the United States and overseas. Autumn 2004 application deadlines are November 1 and November 15.
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 NASA Robotics Sponsorships
If you are interested in receiving information about how to apply for one of the NASA Robotics Sponsorships which will cover the registration cost of your 2004-2005 FIRST team at one of the NASA-area Regional FIRST Competitions in the Spring of 2005, please fill out the form on this site. Applications are due November 9, 2004.
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 Team America Rocket Challenge
NASA is a partner in this national model rocket competition for U.S. high school and middle school students. A grand prize pool of over $60,000 in cash and savings bonds will be shared by the top ten teams. This year's contest celebrates the World Year in Physics! Get those applications in by November 30, 2004.
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 Hyper-G Competition for High School Students
Teams of students from the United States and its territories develop a hypothesis for an experiment studying the effects of hyper-gravity. The winning team and their advisor will conduct their experiment on the International Space Station Test Bed Centrifuge at NASA Ames in California in May of 2005. Deadline for proposals is December 2004.
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 Design a Toy Challenge
Students in grades 5-8 will work as a team using science, engineering and the design process in this TOYchallenge contest. Teams must sign up by December 15, 2004.
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 Chaco Canyon Webcast From Sun-Earth Connection
The Sun-Earth Connection and its partners will host a webcast from Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, on December 21, 2004. This is in support of this year's Sun-Earth theme "Ancient Observatories Timeless Knowledge" - a fascinating journey through time exploring centuries of sun watching by a great variety of cultures! Register on the Web site in December for a Sun-Earth Day resource packet.
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 Astro-E2 Competition
The high school students who win this competition will work with professional astronomers and present the results of their analysis at the summer meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Submit entries between January 1 and April 30, 2005.
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 Aerospace Vehicle Contest - University Level
Entries will characterize the technologies and systems required for the successful operation of an Exploration Air Vehicle. The deadline for required letters of intent is January 1, 2005.
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 NASA Student Involvement Program
These are national competitions for students in grades K-12. Entry deadlines are January 15 and January 31, 2005.
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 Aerospace Vehicle Contest
The competition challenges high school students to characterize societal impacts resulting from widespread use of Personal Air Vehicles in the year 2030. Letters of intent to enter the contest are due January 15, 2005. The deadline for entries is April 15, 2005.
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 2005 Space Day Design Challenges
This year's theme is Return to the Moon. Design Challenges can be submitted by teams of 2-10 children in grades 4-5, 6-8. There is also a club-based groups category available to the same ages. The deadline for submitting entries is February 15, 2005.
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 Space Settlement Design Contest
This annual contest is for 6-12th graders (11-18 years old) from anywhere in the world. Students develop space settlement designs and related materials. Submissions must be received before March 31, 2005.
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 Science in Space Challenge
K-12 educators are invited to submit proposals, on behalf of their students, for a science and technology investigation to be conducted on a future space mission. Deadline is June 3, 2005.
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Editor: Shelley Canright
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
Last Updated: October 28, 2004
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