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  • Front Matter
    The Laboratory in the News
    Commentary by Jeffrey Wadsworth
  • Feature Articles
    Livermore Science and Technology Garner Seven 1997 R&D; 100 Awards
    -New Interferometer Measures to Atomic Dimensions
    -Compact, More Powerful Chips from Virtually Defect-Free, Thin-Film System
    -A New Precision Cutting Tool: The Femtosecond Laser
    -MELD: A CAD Tool for Photonics Systems
    -The Tiltmeter: Tilting at Great Depths to Find Oil
    -Smaller Insulators Handle Higher Voltage
    -Computer Storage Management Software: The Next Generation
  • Patents

  • We welcome your comments! Please take a moment to fill out our
    Survey Form and subscribe to our printed version of Science and Technology Review.

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